Tim Davidge

Astronomer, Principal Research Officer

Ph.D., 1987, University of Victoria
M.Sc., 1981, University of Calgary
B.Sc. (Hon), 1980, University of Calgary

Phone: +1 250-363-0047

E-mail: tim.davidge@nrc.ca

Area of Interest: Galaxy evolution
I am interested in the observational aspects of galaxy evolution, with particular emphasis on archeological studies of nearby systems. The goal of this work is to characterize the large-scale events that have influenced the present-day appearance of these galaxies (e.g. interactions with other galaxies, major star-forming events, etc.). To date, most of this work has been done using images and spectra obtained with the 3.6 meter Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and the 8 meter Gemini Telescopes. I currently serve as a Canadian representative to (1) the Science Advisory Committee for the Thirty Meter Telescope Project and (2) the Gemini Science and Technology Advisory Committee.