Plaskett Report for April 1930

The observing weather was somewhat below the average for this month. On 19 nights with 92.3 hours observing 53 plates were secured. The 11 year average shows 17 nights 101.0 hours and 135 plates.

Approximately 858 persons visited the observatory during the month.

Director J. S. Plaskett was on leave.

[After his address in Philadelphia, Plaskett returned to Boston to spend a few days with his son before going to London to receive his award from the Royal Astronomical Society. As this article shows he almost missed the sailing, Ed.]

Mon, Apr 28, 1930 – 6 · The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts) ·

Assistant Director W. E. Harper worked 7 nights obtaining 33 plates. Measured for radial velocity 40. Made least squares solution of orbit of b Persei from 1930 observations. Attended Vancouver organization meeting Pacific Science Congress. Gave on seminar talk. Usual correspondence and administrative duties in absence of Director.

[The 5th Pacific Science Conference would be held in Victoria and Vancouver during May and June of 1932., Ed.]

Astronomer J. A. Pearce observed 1 night, obtaining 1 plate. Finished paper on The Determination of the Solar Motion, Galactic Rotation and K Term for O to B5 Stars. Prepared abstracts for the presentation at McGill Meeting, RSC and Eugene Meeting, ASP.

Astronomer C. S. Beals observed 6 nights, obtaining 8 plates. Gave one seminar talk. Completed calibration of optical wedge in region λ4100-6500

Astronomer R. O. Redman observed 5 nights, obtaining 11 plates. Completed preparation for publication of work on K stars. Commenced similar preparation of work on Y Cygni. Measured 16 spectra for radial velocity. Gave one seminar talk.

Computer S. N. Hill did the tabulation and computational work on B and O stars. Preparing graphs from statistical data of B and O stars. Preparing abstract on orbit 103 Tauri for ASP meeting Eugene.

Clerk-Stenographer Miss L. M. Keay handled the accounts, reports and usual correspondence. Typing and preparing for printer Volume IV, Number 17; other astronomical papers and abstracts. Computing data for spectra envelopes and typing same.

Astronomical Assistant T. T. Hutchison assisted in observing on 14½ nights. Kept telescope in running order.