The observing weather very good with little of the usual trouble from smoke. There were obtained 167 spectrograms on 22 nights and parts of nights. There was a visit of the British Association [of Scientists] on August 25,26. General work somewhat interrupted by absences of Director and Mr. Harper at the Scientific meetings in Toronto.
[As mentioned in the July Report, Astronomer R. K. Young left the DAO for a position at the University of Toronto. Dr. Young was succeeded by Dr. J. A. Pearce. Pearce continued on staff and was Director from 1940 – 1951.
During the meeting of the British Association of Scientists in Toronto, J. S. Plaskett was appointed as a vice-president. As noted by Plaskett The Association made an informal visit to Victoria after their Toronto meeting. Plaskett met the first group in Vancouver on the 24th and accompanied them on the midnight boat from Vancouver, The program for their visit was published in the August 24 Daily Colonist. Ed.]
- Program for the visit of the British Association of Scientists visit to Victoria in 1924
Director J. S. Plaskett was away at Toronto from Aug. 1 to Aug. 20. On return busy with preparation for the visiting scientists, with supervising of building and other operations and no observing or measuring. Usual correspondence, etc.
Research Astronomer W. E. Harper absent at Northampton and Toronto until August 24. Obtained 13 spectrograms on 2 nights and measured 3 for radial velocity. Partially read the proof of Volume II, Number 1. Worked on the period of σ2 Comae.
[Harper wrote a detailed article on what was discussed at Toronto meeting of the British Association of Scientists, Ed.]Astronomer H. H. Plaskett obtained 54 spectrograms on 7 nights. Measured 12 plates for radial velocity and revised previous work on spectroscopic binaries. Measured and reduced wedge spectra for the variation ρ with λ. Administrative duties as acting director from Aug. 1 to Aug. 20.
Engineer Clerk W. H. Christie obtained 64 spectrograms on 6 nights. Measured 57 spectrograms for radial velocity.
Temporary Assistant Stanley Smith obtained 57 spectrograms on 8 nights. Measured 32 plates for radial velocity. Worked on the orbit of Boss 6070.
Secretary Miss H. R. keay handled the usual correspondence, reports, plates and accounts. SCorrected the proof of Volume III, Number 1 and typed Volume III, Number 4.
Instrument Maker Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted with observations on 20 nights. Necessary repairs and adjustments to the dome and telescope.