The observing weather during July should have been good as there practically no cloudiness during the month [typical for July in Victoria, Ed.] but forest fires in the neighbourhood with the resultant smoke very much reduced the output of observational material.
[Keystone studios filmed at the Observatory this month, Ed.]Director J. S. Plaskett obtained 29 spectra on 6 nights and measured 36 plates for radial velocity. Made drawings of attachment ultraviolet spectrograph. Tested plates for suitability spectroscopic work. Usual correspondence and administrative work.
[J. S. Plaskett wrote a lengthy article for the Times Colonist on the Work of an Observatory, Ed.][A lengthy article on Plaskett’s Star appeared in the Victoria Daily Times, Ed.]
Research Astronomer W. E. Harper obtained 25 spectra on 5 nights and measured 95 spectra for radial velocity. Obtained period and preliminary elements for Boss 3793 Following.
Astronomer R. K. Young absent on the eclipse mission.
Assistant Astronomer H. H. Plaskett 4 days leave. Obtained 4 spectra on 2 nights. Completed and sent to printer MS for Volume I, Number 30, “Spectra of Three O-Type Stars”. This publication represents a year’s work in securing spectra, their measurement and reduction, and the deduction of certain results. Among the most important are:
- The astronomical demonstration of the truth of Bohr’s atomic theory
- Astronomical values of the mass, radius, and charge of the electron
- Temperatures of some of the hottest stars
- Evidence of transmutation of elements in stars
- Classification of O-type stars
Research Assistant J. W. Campbell obtained 39 spectrograms for radial velocity. Computed reduction tables for the ultraviolet spectrograph.
Professor S. L Boothroyd commenced work at Observatory on July 29 and Professor Buchanan on July 31. Mr. W. H. Christie, volunteer assistant, obtained 15 spectra on 2 nights
Instrument Maker Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted with spectroscopic observations on 18 nights. Usual adjustment and repair work on the telescope. Replaced 5 lateral bearing wheels on the dome,
Clerk-Stenographer Miss H. R. Keay handled usual plates, correspondence, accounts. Typed Volume I, Number 30 and prepared it for publication. 7 days leave.