Plaskett Report for June 1922

General weather conditions good and seeing much better than since last summer. Observing somewhat hindered by smoke from forest fires. [There were several mentions of forest fires in the province in the June newspapers, Ed.]

Director J. S. Plaskett obtained 44 spectrograms on 6 nights and measured 40 plates for radial velocity. Made focus tests and plates for curvature focal plane spectrograph and also tests of plates, films and developers. Prepared article for the New York Herald as well as handling the usual correspondence and administrative work.

July 2, 1922 article by J.S Plaskett in the New York Herald

Research Astronomer W. E. Harper obtained 26 spectrograms on 4 nights and measured 100 plates for radial velocity. Made computations until June 10 for determining parallax from proper motions.

Astronomer R. K. Young obtained 11 spectrograms on 3 nights. He spent most of the time until sailing date, June 17, on experiments and preparations for eclipse.

[The eclipse mentioned in the activities of R. K. Young is the total  solar eclipse of September 21, 1921 which was observable across the Indian Ocean hit land on the north-western shore of Australia. Young joined C. A. Chant and his family as the Canadian party that joined the expedition led by W. W. Campbell of Lick Observatory. Their camp was near Wallal at a longitude of 120° 41′ East and latitude 19° 46′ S.  An excellent description of the eclipse camp at Wallal written by C. A. Chant of Toronto appeared in the JRASC, Ed.]

Mon, Jun 5, 1922 – 1 · The Victoria Daily Times (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Assistant Astronomer H. H. Plaskett obtained 13 spectrograms on 3 nights and classified about 200 spectra of O-type stars according to a new system depending on intensities of absorption lines. Final preparation and writing of first two parts of Volume I, Number 30.

Research Assistant J. W. Campbell started work on June 15. Obtained 20 plates on 2 nights and measured 37 spectrograms. Made some computations of reduction tables for the ultraviolet spectrograph.

Clerk-Stenographer Miss H. R. Keay  Besides usual correspondence, accounts, and plates, typed “Colonist” articles and two other popular articles as well as the first 2 parts of Volume I, Number 30. Also proof read Volume II, Numbers 3 and 4.

Instrument Make Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted with observations on 17 nights. Usual work to keep telescope in satisfactory operation. Three days spent in silvering mirror. Greased running gear of the dome.

[Miss Helena (Lena) Rankin Keay was appointed to her position at the observatory in August of 1918. She was a graduate of the B.C. University and took a business course at the Oak Bay High School. Lena was the daughter of Robert and Annie Keay. Lena was born in England and the family moved to Canada in 1913. Her father died on July 16, 1916. Lena Keay and her mother moved to Vancouver in late 1926. Lena married Frank Elphicke in Vancouver in 1934. Lena’s sister was married to Frank’s brother. Lena died on Sept. 29, 1981., Ed.]