The observing weather has been much below the average, only 77 plates being secured on 20 nights. Only one poorer June, that of 1921, has been experienced since the observatory was opened. The eight-year average shows 134 plates secured on 19 nights but these yielded 93 hours observing as opposed to 68 hours of the past month.
Director J. S. Plaskett observed one night securing one plate. Measured 8 spectrograms for radial velocity. Prepared for publication and article on the progress of astronomy since Confederation. Made drawings for illustration. Handled the usual correspondence and administrative work.
Assistant Director W. E. Harper observed four nights securing seventeen spectra. Measured for radial velocity sixty-one. Tried for period of Boss 4980. Gave address on “Relation Atmospheric Level to Cepheid Pulsation”.
Research Astronomer H. H. Plaskett worked parts of two nights with Millman obtaining seven plates. Reviewed Eddington’s book on “The Internal Constitution of the Stars”. Presented a brief report on it to Observatory Club and prepared a full review of for Science.
[Eddington’s book was a landmark scientific publication of the 20th century. “The publication of The Internal Constitution of the Stars by Arthur Eddington in 1926 was a major landmark in the development of modern theoretical astrophysics. Not only did Eddington effectively create the discipline of the structure, constitution, and the evolution of the stars, but he also recognised and established the basic elements of our present understanding of the subject. The influence of the book is indicated by the remark by H. N. Russell in 1945: ‘This volume has every claim to be regarded as a masterpiece of the first rank’.” Ed.]Astronomer J. A. Pearce observed on four nights securing twenty-one plates. measured fifteen plates for radial velocity. Prepared and gave one staff talk “Corrections to Boss PGC and Determination of Solar Motion”. Prepared and gave one radio talk on the comet Pons-Winnecke. Balance of time spent working on the three graphs, D-chart, X-chart and Galactic chart.
Pons-Winnecke Fri, Jun 24, 1927 – 16 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·
Astronomical Computer S. N. Hill spent time computing the total proper motion of B-type stars. Computing position angle of proper motion vector for the B-type stars. Plotting diagram giving (D) angles from the solar apex.
Senior Clerk-Stenographer Miss L. M. Blake handled the usual accounts, plates, general correspondence and astronomical typing. Numbered and entered 75 new volumes in library catalogue. Typed review of Eddington’s book.
Temporary Assistant R. M. Petrie observed on seven nights obtaining twenty-nine spectrograms. Measured forty-two plates to determine radial velocity. Worked on the period of HR 6611.
Temporary Assistant P. M. Millman assisted in observing with Mr. Plaskett and Mr. Pearce on five nights or parts of nights. Observed two nights securing two plates. Measured for radial velocity fifty-one plates. Worked there days on the period of HD 185936.
Instrument Maker Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted in observing eleven and one-half nights.