Andrew Gray

Telescope Operations Manager
Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory

Ph.D. (physics), 1994, University of Sydney, Australia
B.Sc. (physics), 1989, University of Sydney, Australia

Phone: +1 250-497-2313
Fax: +1 250-497-2355
E-mail: Andrew [dot] Gray [at] nrc-cnrc [dot] gc [dot] ca

Areas of Interest: 

Andrew Gray is a Senior Research Council Officer working for Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics (HAA) in the Radio Astronomy Program at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory (DRAO), near Penticton, BC.

Andrew manages the operations of DRAO’s telescopes:

  • the Synthesis Telescope, a 7-element interferometer;
  • the John A. Galt Telescope, a 26-m single-antenna instrument; and
  • the Solar Radio Flux Monitor, which records and distributes the F10.7 solar activity index.

Observing time is available on the first two instruments listed here based on peer-reviewed applications.  For further information, email Andrew at the address given above.

Andrew has worked at DRAO since 1993, initially in a Research Associate position working on early science from the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey  (CGPS), and since 1998 as Telescope Operations Manager.   He is currently involved in various projects at DRAO, including working with the Galactic Magento-Ionic Medium Survey (GMIMS) team, and contributing to metrology of the SKA Dish Verification Antenna (DVA) project being conducted by the HAA Astronomy Technology Program at DRAO.

Andrew received his Ph.D. in Science at the University of Sydney in 1994, based on a radio observations of the Galactic Centre and inner Galaxy using the Molongo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (MOST) and the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA).  For his B.Sc., Andrew completed a 6-month research project using the MOST to observe Solar radio emissions at 843MHz, for which he received the inaugural Bok Prize from the Astronomical Society of Australia and the Australian Academy of Science, as well as the Henry Chamberlain Russell Prize in Astronomy from the University of Sydney.