CANadian Virtual Astronomy Seminar Series (CANVAS)

CANVAS is a virtual seminar series intended to allow Canadian researchers to share their work with the rest of the Canadian astronomy research community.

The ‘Link’ column in the table below will either be a link to the Zoom meeting for the seminar, or a link to the recorded talk on YouTube for those talks that have already occurred,

There is also a YouTube Channel for the CANVAS series


June 15, 2020Tyrone WoodsNRC HerzbergThe origin of the most massive, high-redshift quasarsYouTube
June 22, 2020Paul WiegertWesternInterstellar asteroids and comets: what are they and where do they come from?YouTube
June 29, 2020Doug JohnstoneNRC HerzbergWhat the Sub-mm Variability of Embedded Protostars Tells Us about Accretion: Past, Present, and FutureYouTube
July 6, 2020Sara EllisonVictoriaGas and star formation in the nearby universe with the ALMA-MaNGA QUEnching and STar formation (ALMaQUEST) surveyYouTube
July 13, 2020Ryan CloutierHarvardTesting radius valley emergence models around M dwarfs with Kepler, K2, and TESSYouTube
July 20, 2020Marten van KerkwijkTorontoPlasma Lensing of the Black Widow PulsarYouTube
July 27, 2020Mainak Singha
ManitobaClose AGN Reference Survey: Characterizing the ionized outflows in Type 1 AGNYouTube
July 27, 2020Myriam Prasow-Émond
MontrealA multiwavelength study of the massive galaxy cluster MACS J1447.4+0827
August 10, 2020Mehrnoosh Tahani
NRC Herzberg3D Magnetic Field Morphology of Molecular CloudsYouTube
August 17, 2020Carol JonesWesternUnderstanding Be stars: the viscous disk modelYouTube
August 24, 2020Niayesh AfshordiPerimeter InstituteA New Way to Measure MassYouTube
August 31, 2020Carter RheaMontrealA Machine Learning Approach To SITELLE Spectral AnalysisYouTube
September 28, 2020Nienke van der MarelVictoriaOn the origin, diversity and fate of gapped protoplanetary disksYouTube
October 5, 2020Wes FraserNRC HerzbergAfter the dust settles, determining the make-up of the early Solar SystemYouTube
October 19, 2020Scott ChapmanDalhousieUncovering Massive Galaxy Protoclusters in the Early Universe with the South Pole TelescopeYouTube