Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Victoria
B.Sc., 1997, Université de Montréal
M.Sc., 2000, Université de Montréal
Ph.D., 2004, Université de Montréal
Phone: +1 250-363-0023
E-mail: christian.marois@nrc.ca
Personal Website: Follow me on Facebook or Google+! [/ezcol_2third_end][ezcol_end_left]
Areas of Interest: Exoplanets, High-contrast imaging, Coronagraphy, Instrumentation and Adaptive Optics
My main area of expertise is direct exoplanet imaging, a field I have been working in since my master studies. My most significant science achievement to date is the imaging discovery of the first multi-planet system HR 8799 in 2008 at the Gemini North and Keck observatories. In addition, I am well known for inventing the ADI imaging technique; a method that allows an impressive gain of up to 100x in our ability to see exoplanets orbiting around stars.
I currently dedicate my time to:
- finish my IDPS campaign (Gemini, Keck and VLT survey where we found HR 8799)
- perform engineering/science observations with the Gemini Planet Imager (an optimize exoplanet imager at the Gemini South observatory; I spent the first 10 years of my professional life to help design/built GPI; I am also part of the 900h campaign team, co-leading the data reduction and data archiving group)
- improve our image subtraction algorithms to allow the detection of fainter/less massive planets
- evaluate performances and find ways to better optimize the TMT NFIRAOS/IRIS instruments for exoplanet detections
- start a stratospheric balloon experiment called MAPLE to potentially take the first images of a rocky Earth-like planet orbiting another star.
Always looking for the best students to boldly go where no one has gone before!