Dennis R. Crabtree
5071 West Sannich Road, Victoria, BC
Canada V9E 2E7
+1-250-363-3082 |
University of Toronto
Ph.D. in Astronomy –Dr. R.A. McLaren Supervisor |
1982 |
Dissertation: “A Model for the Infrared Continuum and NH3 Absorption Spectrum of IRC +10 216” |
University of British Columbia
M.Sc. in Astronomy – Dr.H.B. Richer Supervisor |
1976 |
Thesis: “Carbon Stars in the LMC” |
University of British Columbia
B.Sc. in Astronomy |
1974 |
NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of British Columbia |
1982 – 1983 |
National Research Council, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics
AstronomerTechnical Secretary for the Canadian Time Allocation Committee |
2010- present
Gemini Observatory
Associate Director of Science Operation
Head of a group of 60 professionals, including 30 astronomers, responsible for
science operations of the two Gemini 8-m telescopes, one in Chile and one in
Hawaii. Based in La Serena Chile but spent 3 months a year in Hawaii. Direct reports included the Head of Science Operations at each site, the adaptive optics group, Head of Data Process Developers, Dataflow scientist. Managed a budget of $7.5M.
2007 – 2010
National Research Council, Herzberg Institute Astrophysics
Head, Canadian Gemini OfficeHead a group of two astronomers that provide support to Canadian users of the Gemini telescopes. This includes support for the Phase I and Phase II of the proposal process, performing technical evaluations of proposals, conveying proposal information to Gemini. Serve on Gemini committees such the Operations Working Group (Chair 2001 – 2003) that advises Gemini on operational issues and the Public Information and Outreach Liaison Network that coordinates outreach efforts in the Gemini partnership. Work with Gemini on publication and citation tracking to provide strategic advice to the Director |
1999 – 2007
Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
Senior Resident AstronomerHead of scientific support CFHT users; supervised 6 support astronomers and 4 observing assistants; involved in CFHT SAC and Board meetings. Led effort to ‘upgrade’ the telescope operators to observing assistants where they had more responsibility for instrument support and other Observatory functions. Initiated effort to implement queue observing for the wide-field imager Megacam. Hosted the ADASS’99 conference; |
1996 – 1999
National Research Council, Herzberg Institute Astrophysics
Group Leader, Canadian Astronomy Data Centre and Group Leader, Computing and Data AnalysisLed groups archiving activities (HST, CFHT, JCMT); Initial Project Scientist for the Gemini DHS; Oversaw the Observatory’s scientific computing management, Implemented the first ‘on-the-fly’ recalibration of HST data; Hosted the ADASS’93 meeting; worked with STScI on production and distribution of the DSS II on CDs; |
National Research Council, Herzberg Institute Astrophysics
Associate Research Officer, Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
Lead astronomer responsible for the CFHT archive as well as support of the HST archive; provided IRAF support to the whole Observatory; implemented the concept of ‘preview’ images of archival data; |
Space Telescope Science Institute
Senior Scientific Software Engineer
Oversaw the management of the scientific computing; supervised 3 system administrators, responsible for the scientific networking and wide-area networking connections, provided STSDAS support and implemented new functionality in IRAF/STSDAS; did initial implementation of run-time libraries for IRAF/VMS |
National Research Council, Herzberg Institute Astrophysics
Associate Research Officer, Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
Initial person hired to form the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre to initiate the HST archive effort in Canada. |
Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
Data Reduction Facility Manager
I was responsible for the day to day management of the system and for the development of scientific and system related software. |
Committees and Working Groups
- Program Committee, SPIE Conference: Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems V. 2014
- Program Committee, SPIE Conference: Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems IV. 2012
- Program Committee, SPIE Conference: Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems III. 2010
- President of IAU Commission 55 (2009 – 2012)
- Chair of CASCA Education and Public Outreach Committee (2007 – present)
- Program Committee, SPIE Conference: Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems II. 2008
- Chair of WIYN ODI Controller Selection Committee (February 2008)
- Chair of Gemini IS Review Committee, February 2006
- CFHT Board of Directors, 2006 – 2007)
- Vice-President of IAU Commission 55 (2006-2009)
- Gemini PIO Review Committee, September 2005
- NRCC Planning and Performance Management Network, 2005 – 2007
- Program Committee BCNet Advanced Networks Conference, 2004
- Gemini Operations Working Group, 2001 – 2006)
- Co-Chair, IAU Working Group on Communications with the Public, 2003 – 2006)
- Gemini PIO Liaison Committee, 2002 – 2006
- Chair of WIYN ODI Conceptual Design Review, January 2005
- PIPSC RO/RCO Executive Committee, 2002 – 2006
- National Research Council Canada Planning Network, 2001 – 2005
- BCNet Board of Directors, 2000 – 2006
- NSF Review of AURA Proposal for continued management of Gemini, 2000
- Gemini Instrument and Operations Forum, 1999 – 2000
- ADASS Scientific Organizing Committee, 1990 – 1995
- Working Group on Astronomical Software FITS Committee, 1992-1996
- Rowe, J.F., Richer, H.B., Brewer, J.P., Crabtree, D.R. 2005. Carbon Stars and Other Luminous Stellar Populations in M33. Astronomical Journal 129, 729-744.
Refereed papers
- Crabtree, D.R., Bryson, E.P. 2001. The Effectiveness of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 95, 259.
- Pierce, M.J., Jurcevic, J.S., Crabtree, D. 2000. Period-luminosity relations for red supergiant variables – I.The calibration. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 313, 271-280.
- English, J., and 45 colleagues 1998. The Canadian Galactic Plane Survey. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 15, 56-59.
- Brewer, J.P., Richer, H.B., Crabtree, D.R. 1996. Late-Type Stars in M31. II. C-, S-, and M-Star Spectra. Astronomical Journal 112, 491.
- Kaisler, D., Harris, W.E., Crabtree, D.R., Richer, H.B. 1996. Globular Clusters in NGC 1275. Astronomical Journal 111, 2224.
- Brewer, J.P., Richer, H.B., Crabtree, D.R. 1995. Late-Type Stars in M31. I. Photometric Study of AGB Stars and Metallicity Gradients. Astronomical Journal 109, 2480.
- Bryson, E., Crabtree, D. 1995. A List of Astronomical Meetings Available via Mosaic. Vistas in Astronomy 39, 267.
- Richer, H.B., Crabtree, D.R., Fabian, A.C., Lin, D.N.C. 1993. Star and cluster formation in NGC 1275. Astronomical Journal 105, 877-885.
- Hutchings, J.B., Crabtree, D., Neff, S.G., Gower, A.C. 1992. High-resolution imaging of QSO 2305 + 187 (= 4C 18.68). Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 104, 66-70.
- Close, L.M., Richer, H.B., Crabtree, D.R. 1990. A complete sample of wide binaries in the solar neighborhood. Astronomical Journal 100, 1968-1980.
- Richer, H.B., Crabtree, D.R., Pritchet, C.J. 1990. Late-type stars in an inner and far disk field of M31. Astrophysical Journal 355, 448-455.
- Hudon, J.D., Richer, H.B., Pritchet, C.J., Crabtree, D., Christian, C.A., Jones, J. 1989. The late-type stellar content of NGC 2403. Astronomical Journal 98, 1265-1273.
- Pritchet, C.J., Schade, D., Richer, H.B., Crabtree, D., Yee, H.K.C. 1987. The late-type stellar content of NGC 55. Astrophysical Journal 323, 79-90.
- Christian, C.A., Crabtree, D., Waddell, P. 1987. Detection of the lensing galaxy in PG 1115 + 080. Astrophysical Journal 312, 45-49.
- Richer, H.B., Crabtree, D.R. 1985. Luminous late-type stars in a field of M31. Astrophysical Journal 298, L13-L17.
- Richer, H.B., Pritchet, C.J., Crabtree, D.R. 1985. Luminous late-type stars in NGC 300. Astrophysical Journal 298, 240-248.
- Richer, H.B., Crabtree, D.R., Pritchet, C.J. 1984. Luminous late-type stars in NGC 205. Astrophysical Journal 287, 138-147.
- Richer, H., Crabtree, D., Pritcher, C. 1984. Luminous late-type stars in NGC 205. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 96, 794.
- Rogers, C., Martin, P.G., Crabtree, D.R. 1983. The circumstellar dust of MU Cephei. Astrophysical Journal 272, 175-181.
- McAlary, C.W., McLaren, R.A., Crabtree, D.R. 1979. Broad-band near-infrared observations of Seyfert galaxies. Astrophysical Journal 234, 471-476.
- Crabtree, D.R., Martin, P.G. 1979. Circumstellar dust envelopes – Calculation of eclipse light curves and fringe visibilities. Astrophysical Journal 227, 900-906.
- Westerlund, B.E., Olander, N.O., Richer, H.B., Crabtree, D.R. 1978. A catalogue of carbon stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud.. Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 31, 61-82.
- Crabtree, D.R., Westerlund, B.E., Richer, H.B. 1976. Carbon stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Astrophysical Journal 203, L81-L85.
Other Publications
- Crabtree, Dennis R. 2008. Scientific productivity and impact of large telescopes. Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems II. Edited by Brissenden, Roger J.; Silva, David R. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 7016, pp. 70161A-70161A-10
- Ferguson, Henry C. and 37 colleagues 2009. Astronomical Data Reduction and Analysis for the Next Decade – White Paper for 2010 US Decadal Survey
- Thibault, S., Poirier, M., Ilias, S., L{‘e}vesque, L., Saddlemye, L., Robert, S., Crabtree, D. 2004. Durable coatings for large segmented mirrors. High-Power Laser Ablation V. Edited by Phipps, Claude R. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 5494, pp.254-265 (2004). 5494, 254-265.
- Crabtree, D.R., Roberts, S.C., Fitzsimmons, J.T., Pazder, J.S., Herriot, G., Smith, M.J., Dunn, J., Saddlemyer, L.K. 2004. VLOT: a modest Canadian 20-m telescope. Emerging Optoelectronic Applications. Edited by Jabbour, Ghassan E.; Rantala, Juha T. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 5382, pp.105-114 (2004). 5382, 105-114.
- Roberts, S.C., and 14 colleagues 2003. Canadian very large optical telescope technical studies. Future Giant Telescopes. Edited by Angel, J.Roger P.; Gilmozzi, Roberto. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 4840, pp.104-115 (2003). 4840, 104-115.
- Crabtree, D.R., Bryson, E.P. 2003. Observatory Publications and Citations. Library and Information Services in Astronomy IV (LISA IV) 199.
- Crabtree, D., Roberts, S., Carlberg, R., Halliday, D. 2003. Canadian Efforts Towards a Future Large Telescope. Large Telescops and Virtual Observatory: Visions for the Future, 25th meeting of the IAU, Joint Discussion 8, 17 July 2003, Sydney, Australia 8, .
- Book Review: Astronomical data analysis software and systems IX / Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2000. The Observatory 121, 401.
- Brewer, J.P., Richer, H.B., Crabtree, D.R. 2000. A Photometric and Spectroscopic Survey of AGB Stars in M31. IAU Symposium 177, 59.
- Manset, N., Veillet, C., Crabtree, D. 2000. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IX. ASP Conf.Ser.216: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IX 216,
- Crabtree, D.R., Smecker-Hane, T., Richer, H. 1996. M/L_V of a Super-star Cluster in NGC 1569. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 28, 822.
- Hill, N., Gaudet, S., Crabtree, D., Durand, D., Louie, J. 1996. Associating Science Exposures with Calibration Exposures in the CFHT Data Archive. ASP Conf.Ser.101: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems V 101, 517.
- Crabtree, D.R., Durand, D., Gaudet, S., Hill, N., Pirenne, B. 1996. The CADC/ST-ECF Archives of HST Data: Less is More. ASP Conf.Ser.101: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems V 101, 505.
- Crabtree, D.R., Durand, D., Gaudet, S., Hill, N. 1996. Archives of Data from Ground-Based Observatories. ASP Conf.Ser.101: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems V 101, 473.
- Crabtree, D.R., Durand, D., Gaudet, S., Hill, N., Morris, S. 1996. Scientific Archives and New Observing Modes: Convergence in the 21st Century. ASP Conf.Ser. 87: New Observing Modes for the Next Century 87, 207.
- Hanisch, R.J., Brissenden, R.J.V. 1995. Book Review: Astronomical data analysis software and systems III: edited by D. R. Crabtree, R.J . Hanish, and J. Barnes (ASP conf. V. 61) / Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1993. The Observatory 115, 276.
- Crabtree, D.R., Durand, D., Gaudet, S., Hill, N., Morris, S.C. 1995. The Archives of the Canadian Astronomy Data Cantre. ASSL Vol.203: Information {amp} On-Line Data in Astronomy 153.
- Crabtree, D.R., Smecker-Hane, T. 1994. Young Star Clusters and CO Gas in the Galaxy Merger, NGC 7727 (Arp 222). Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 26, 1499.
- Crabtree, D., Irwin, A., Blaber, R., Gaudet, S., Durand, D. 1994. Pipeline Processing, Automatic Image Quality Estimates and Preview Images of CFHT CCD Images. Handling and Archiving Data from Ground-Based Telescopes 63-67.
- Crabtree, D., Durand, D., Fisher, W., Gaudet, S., Hill, N., Justice, G., Morris, S., Woodsworth, A. 1994. The Canadian Astronomy Data Centre. ASP Conf.Ser. 61: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems III 61, 123.
- Hill, N., Crabtree, D., Gaudet, S., Durand, D., Pirenne, B., Irwin, A. 1994. Generation and Display of Online Preview Data for Astronomy Data Archives. ASP Conf.Ser. 61: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems III 61, 115.
- Crabtree, D.R., Hanisch, R.J., Barnes, J. 1994. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems III. ASP Conf.Ser. 61: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems III 61, .
- Bryson, E., Simons, D.A., Crabtree, D. 1993. A List of Astronomical Meetings Available via Mosaic. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 25, 1298.
- Brewer, J.P., Crabtree, D.R., Richer, H.B. 1993. Late-type stars in M31. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 25, 845.
- , M.J., Crabtree, D.R. 1993. An Optical Period-Luminosity Relation for Long Period Variables. IAU Colloq.139: New Perspectives on Stellar Pulsation and Pulsating Variable Stars 102.
- Crabtree, D.R., Rogers, C. 1993. Circumstellar Envelopes Observed as Optical Haloes. Mass Loss on the AGB and Beyond 255.
- Durand, D., Crabtree, D.R., Christian, C., Glaspey, J. 1992. The CFHT Archive System. ASP Conf.Ser. 25: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems I 25, 72.
- Crabtree, D., Aikman, C. 1991. S Persei. International Astronomical Union Circular 5418, 1.
- Meylan, G., Beaulieu, S., Djorgovski, S., Weir, N., Crabtree, D. 1991. BV Photometry of the 30 Doradus cluster: NGC 2070. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 23, 1264.
- Crabtree, D.R., Rogers, C. 1991. CCD Observations of Circumstellar Envelopes. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 23, 911.
- Crabtree, D., Westpfahl, D., Richer, H. 1991. 120 HZ Variations in Sky Brightness Over Vancouver, B.C.. ASP Conf.Ser. 17: IAU Colloq.112: Light Pollution, Radio Interference, and Space Debris 17, 99.
- Christian, C.A., Crabtree, D.R., Davis, L.E. 1990. Photometry Routines in IRAF. CCDs in Astronomy.II.New Methods and Applications of CCD Technology 99.
- Stetson, P.B., Davis, L.E., Crabtree, D.R. 1990. Future development of the DAOPHOT crowded-field photometry package. ASP Conf.Ser. 8: CCDs in astronomy 8, 289-304.
- Jones, J.H., Christian, C.A., Crowe, R., McLaren, R., Crabtree, D., Richer, H. 1987. Near Infrared Photometry of Cepheid Variables in NGC 6822. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 19, 1052.
- Crabtree, D.R., Morris, S., Woodsworth, A. 1987. The CanadianSpaceAstronomyDataCenter. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 19, 739.
- Crabtree, D.R., McLaren, R.A., Christian, C.A. 1987. CCD Observations of IRC+10216. ASSL Vol.132: Late Stages of Stellar Evolution 145.
- Christian, C., Crabtree, D., Waddell, P. 1986. PG 1115+080. International Astronomical Union Circular 4182, 1.
- Richer, H.B., Crabtree, D.R., Pritchet, C.J. 1985. Carbon and M stars in NGC 205. ASSL Vol.114: Cool Stars with Excesses of Heavy Elements 171.
- Crabtree, D.R. 1982. A Model for the Infrared Continuum and Ammonia Absorption Line Spectrum of IRC +10 216.. Ph.D.Thesis .
- McAlary, C.W., McLaren, R.A., Crabtree, D.R. 1978. Broadband Infrared Observations of Seyfert Galaxies. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 10, 389.
- Canadian Astronomical Society