Observing weather was only fair. 124 spectrograms were obtained on 18 nights and parts of nights. Observing hindered but not completely prevented for 9 days by breakage and time required for repairs of bearing wheels on dome.
Director J. S. Plaskett obtained 32 spectrograms on 5 nights and measured 42 spectrograms for radial velocity. Prepared a paper on variable spectrum and prepared two lectures. Handled the usual correspondence, accounts and administrative work.
[In 1923 J. S. Plaskett was elected to the Royal Society. The occasion was noted in the April 15, 1923 edition of the Daily Colonist, Ed.]
Research Astronomer W. E. Harper obtained 50 spectrograms on 5 nights and measured 27 for radial velocity. Most of the remainder of time was spent upon determination of absolute magnitudes including listing of trigonometric parallaxes for stars under observation.
Astronomer R. K. Young obtained 22 spectrograms on 4 nights. He made a least-squares solution for elements of spectroscopic binary Ross 2463 and prepared the manuscript for publication. Prepared an article on results of measurement of the eclipse plates. Remainder of his time was spent on absolute magnitude work. Spent time on the drawing of curves relating absolute magnitude to line intensity.
Assistant Astronomer H. H. Plaskett obtained 20 spectrograms on 4 nights. He re-computed, with new wedge constants, the intensity distribution in the continuous spectrum of the sun and six stars. Remainder of the time was occupied ion computation and in preparation of publication Volume I, Number 12 on “The Wedge Method in Spectrophotometry”
Clerk-Stenographer Miss H. R. Keay handled the usual accounts, plates, correspondence. Typed Colonist articles, an article for the Journal of the Astronomical Society the Pacific and Numbers 10 and 11 of the Publications of this Observatory. Numbered 98 bound volumes of periodicals and entered them in library.
Instrument Maker Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted in observing onĀ nights [No number entered, Ed.]. Usual work in maintenance of telescope in satisfactory operation. About 7 days occupied in replacement of broken wheel under dome.