The observing weather was fair only. 77 spectrograms were obtained on 13 nights and parts of nights., although the dome was opened and observing started on 3 other nights without useful results. Progress in the office work has been satisfactory and important investigations have been considerably advanced.
[The Observatory hosted Saturday night star parties which proved to be very popular. The public asked the BC Electric Railway to run a special car on Saturday nights so they could visit the Observatory, This article indicates that such a car was put in service. Alas, the BC Electric Railway discontinued the route up Saanich Peninsula later in 1927, Ed.]Director J. S. Plaskett obtained 18 spectrograms on 5 nights and measured 6 spectra for radial velocity. Made drawings of fixtures for office building. Recomputed mean parallax and absolute magnitude of O-type stars. Read the proof of Volume II, Number 16. Handled the usual correspondence and administrative work.
Research Astronomer W. E. Harper obtained 27 spectrograms on 5 nights and measured 4 spectra for radial velocity. Determined the spectroscopic orbit of 45 Aurigae. Completing preparation of Volume III, Number 1 for the printer. Spent time making enlarged transparencies for illustrations of paper.
[Harper hosted members of the 100 Per Cent Club at the Observatory, Ed.]
Astronomer R. K. Young obtained 22 spectrograms on 2 nights . Completed the manuscript for publication on the absolute magnitude of 1100 stars.Made enlargements from typical spectra for illustrating this publication. Experimental work on a new method of determining line intensities.
Astronomer H. H. Plaskett obtained 10 spectrograms on 3 nights. Prepared an article on the Nature of Science. Measured the diameters of holes in sensitometer plates. Measured etalon interferometer spectra of nebular lines on microphotometer.
Computer S. N. Hill spent time computing wave lengths and settings for reduction tables for spectroscope. Measuring and reducing spectrograms for radial velocity. Work on the conversion of right ascension and declination of the stars in the B-type programme to latitude and longitude.
Senior Clerk Typist Miss H. R. Keay handled the usual plates, accounts, correspondence and reports. Typed Volume III, Number 1, “The Absolute Magnitudes of 1105 Stars“. Typed two articles for the Journal of the RASC. She rad the proof of Volume II, Number 16. [By the time
Instrument Maker Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted with observing on 10 nights. Cleaned and adjusted measuring engines. Made a simple apparatus for determination of line intensities. Usual maintenance and repair.