The observing weather for April has been a little above average for the moth as 191 plates were secured on 10 nights as compared with an average of 143 on the same number of nights for the past six years.
Director J . S. Plaskett obtained 56 spectrograms on 4 nights and measured 32 spectrograms for radial velocity. Prepared the orbits of HD 139892 and HD 25833 for publication. Obtained the period of Boss 3354 and did further work on 21 Cassiopeiae. Handled the usual administrative work and correspondence.
Assistant Director W. E. Harper obtained 60 spectra on 5 nights and measured 51 plates for radial velocity. Determined the orbit of 19 Leo Minoris, obtained the period and determined the orbit of 108 Herculis and wrote both up for publication. Handled the usual minor administrative duties such as supervising grading and seed of lawn around the office building. Oversight of janitors, etc.
[Harper gave a talk on “Observatories of the World, Ed.]
Wed, Apr 1, 1925 – 7 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·
Astronomer H. H. Plaskett worked 3 nights obtaining 21 plates, 2 of which were long exposure of nebulae. Completed the measurement and reduction of control plates taken as a check for the reality of the fringes found in the Orion nebula. Completed work on the mailing list, the principal results of which were to eliminate dome 40 institutions which were doing to scientific work and to some 110 important scientific institutions, libraries, and societies which should have been on the list.
Assistant Astronomer J. A. Pearce observed on 6 nights, obtaining 54 plates. Measured 22 spectrograms for radial velocity. Semi-weekly clock corrections. Delivered one lecture before the RASC and prepared 1 paper for the RASC.
Mon, Apr 13, 1925 – 14 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·
Astronomical Computer S. N. Hill measured and reduced 56 plates for radial velocity. Classified mailing list by countries and transcribed some.
Senior Clerk Typist Miss H. R. Keay handled the usual accounts, correspondence, plates and reports. Typed the orbits of HD 25833, HD 139892, 19 Leo Minoris, 108 Herculis and π Cephei and 22 Vulpeculae for our Publications.
Instrument Maker Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted in observing on 13 nights. Repainted ascension circle and repaired slow motion declination clamp.