The month was very much below the average for observing, a total of only 73.2 hours being available as against the eight-year average for the month of 111.8 hours. On 15 nights, or parts of nights, 97 plates were secured, two of which were long exposures. The eight-year average shows 154 plates on 18 nights.
Director J. S. Plaskett worked 4 nights securing 26 spectrograms and measured 12 spectrograms for radial velocity. Made drawings of solar and stellar systems to various scales for illustration. Miscellaneous scientific work and the usual correspondence and administrative work.
[Plaskett gave a talk titled “Our Galaxy and Beyond” at Victoria College on April 5, Ed.]
Wed, Apr 6, 1927 – 8 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·
Assistant Director W. E. Harper worked 4 nights securing 29 spectrograms and measured 24 for radial velocity. Determined orbits for HR 839 and Boss 809, making two least-squares solutions of latter. Considerable time comparing wave-lengths in the two spectra. Wrote up for publication. Gave staff talk, prepared the Index of Volume IV, and yearly Departmental Report.
Research Astronomer H. H. Plaskett worked 2 nights obtaining 10 spectra on two plates. Day work – work in preparation for a summary table of all observational data on nebulae completed. Some time spent on the theory of the formation of absorption lines for a talk before staff.
Astronomer J. A. Pearce observed on 4 nights obtaining 40 spectrograms and measured29 spectrograms for radial velocity. Prepared and gave a talk to staff. Worked on statistics of classes O and B stars.
Astronomical Computer S. N. Hill measured and reduced for radial velocity 20 B-type spectrograms. Work on short-period binary HD 32990 and obtained the period. Work in connection with the library.
Senior Clerk Typist Miss H. R. Keay did some correspondence work and compiling data on card catalogue. Read proof of Volume III, Number 18.
Senior Clear-Stenographer Miss L. M. Blake handled the usual correspondence, reports, accounts and plates. Assisted with the reading of proof Volume III, number 18.
Instrument Maker Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted in observing on 11 nights. General repair work around the telescope.