Plaskett Report for August 1928

The observing weather was above the average as a total of 182.0 hours was secured on 27 nights as against a nine-year average for the month of 139.3 hours on 23 nights. The number of plates secured, 167, is less than the general average of 186 but this is explained by nine nights being devoted to unusually faint stars on which a total of only 18 plates were secured.

The number of persons visiting the observatory for the month was approximately 11,100.

[R. O. Redman of Cambridge arrived in Victoria in August to spend a year at the Observatory as noted in this newspaper article, Ed.]

Tue, Aug 7, 1928 – 6 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Director J. S. Plaskett on leave of absence.

Acting-Director W. E. Harper worked 3 nights securing 31 spectra. Measured for radial velocity 22. Determined orbit of Boss 4177 and wrote up for publication.  Made a redetermination of robot of Boss 809. Gave Seminar talk on ‘Interstellar Calcium’. Usual correspondence and administrative duties

Astronomers J. A. Pearce and H. H. Plaskett on leave of absence

Astronomer C. S. Beals worked 7 nights, obtaining 13 plates of stars of magnitude 9.5 to 11. Searched the literature on stripped atoms and relation of Xray doublet laws to optical spectra and the applications of the correspondence principle to intensities in spectral lines. Did some work on the classification of Wolf  Rayet stars and determined wave lengths of star 33 4013 in the red regions.

Astronomical Computer S. N. Hill worked on the conversion of Equatorial Co-ordinates into Galactic Co-ordinates and obtaining position Angle X, pole-star apex for late and early B-type stars. Work in connection with publications and library.

Senior Clerk-Stenographer Miss L. M. Blake handled the usual correspondence, accounts, reports, envelopes for spectrograms and library work. Proof-read Volume IV, Numbers 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

Temporary Assistant R. M. Petrie observed on 7 nights securing 62 spectrograms. Measured 44 spectra for radial velocity. Prepared and gave Seminar address on ‘Liquid Stars’. Worked on periods of HR 6696 and HD 199140

Temporary Assistant P. M. Millman worked 8 nights, obtaining 56 plates. Measured 31 plates. Worked on card catalogue 5 days. Gave Seminar talk on “The Origin of the Constellations”

Instrument Maker Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted in observing on 20 nights. Usual work around telescope.

Supplementary Report

Assistant Astronomer R. O. Redman made out a programme of eclipsing variables. 18  plates, mostly of Y Cygni, were measured. Two nights and a portion of a third were spent with other observers in becoming acquainted with the telescope. Took two nights by myself near end of month. Obtained 5 plates. Gave talk on “Dynamical Parallaxes”.