Plaskett Report for August 1930

The month was above the average for observing as 122 plates were secured on 25 nights with a total exposure time of 172.3 hours. The corresponding eleven-year average shows 176 plates on 24 nights with total exposure time of 146.3 hours. As usual the fewer number of plates is accounted for by the longer exposures required for the faint objects observed.

Approximately 12,860 persons visited the observatory during the month constituting a record number.

[The Observatory continued to be a key tourist attraction even after the opening of Butchart Gardens, Ed.]

Thu, Aug 7, 1930 – 15 · The Victoria Daily Times (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Director J.S. Plaskett did the preparation, revisions and re-revision of catalogue of radial velocities of O and B type stars in preparation for printing. Handled the usual administrative work and correspondence.

[J.S. Plaskett enjoyed golf but he had his share of frustrating days., Ed.]

Fri, Aug 15, 1930 – 11 · The Victoria Daily Times (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

[Another article in the Victoria Daily Times was a reprint of an article from the Ottawa Journal which notes “Dr. Plaskett, who has reflected so much glory on his country”, Ed.] 

Thu, Aug 21, 1930 – 4 · The Victoria Daily Times (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Assistant Director W.E. Harper observed 5 nights securing 34 plates. Measured for radial velocity 30. Made least-squares solution of Boss 523 on assumption of simple binary motion. Wrote up for publication. Determined Period of Boss 4876. made least-squares solution and wrote up for publication. Summarized both articles fr the Chicago meeting of the AAS.

Astronomer J.A. Pearce computed radial velocity catalogue of O and B type stars by writing up notes on the catalogue. Prepared paper for the AAS meeting at Chicago on Redeterminationof the Elements of Galactic Rotation.

Astronomer C.S. Beals observed 5 nights, obtained 18 plates. Began a redetermination of the values of constants of the optical wedge in use for stellar spectrophotometry. Gave one seminar talk.

Astronomer R.O. Redman observed 5 nights and obtained 29 plates. Measured 30 plates for radial velocity. Checked reductions of all measures made this year of K programme stars. Read papers by Milne, Eddington, Larmer and Vogt in a study of the Milne-Eddington controversy.

Computer S.N. Hill for O-B5 stars P.D. greater than 101° computing proper motion and applying Raymond’s correction Δμ’. Computing angle φ. Checking final proof of Orbit HD 32990

Clerk-Stenographer Miss L.M. Blake handled reports, accounts, correspondence and envelopes for 122 spectra. – computing and typing data for same. Proof reading. Typing catalogue of radial velocities of O and B type stars and papers for Chicago AAS, other astronomical papers for publication.

Astronomcal Assistant T.T. Hutchison assisted in observing on 15 nights. Made minor attachments for telescope and kept it in running condition.

Astronomer H.H. Plaskett worked 5 nights, obtaining 9 plates with in all 20 nebular spectra., on the standardized plates obtained, as above. Carried out first half of calibration of wedge in ultra violet. Made preparations for and one set of early morning observations of sun. Prepared and gave colloquium on absorption lines in star spectra.

Astronomer P. ten Bruggencate observed 4 nights obtaining 26 plates; measured 25 plates. Worked on elliptical nebulae. Gave on colloquium on globular clusters and one on Relativity Theory. Reduction of my Lembang objective prism plates.

Astronomical Assistant A. McKellar observed two nights (one alone) obtaining 6 plates. Measured three plates for radial velocity. Tried for the period of a spectroscopic binary.

Astronomical Assistant D.W. Macdonald measured 20 plates. Assisted in observing two half nights. Checked 66 velocity reductions. Calculated a short table for the conversion of absolute magnitudes into parallaxes. Made a list of about 1,000 K type stars (7.5m – 8.0m) with details contained in the HD Catalogue. Worked on absolute magnitude computations of 251 stars.