The month was good for observing although there were only one or two nights of high grade “seeing”. On 29 nights with 173.9 hours observing, a total of 126 plates was secured. The twelve-year average for the month shows 24 nights, 146.3 hours and 176 plates.
Approximately 7,118 persons visited the observatory during the month.
Director J.S. Plaskett prepared text of Volume V, Number 3. Making computations and drawing curves showing effect of K term on solutions. Reading proof Volume V, Number 1 and Number 2 and studying Volume VI, Number 3. Usual correspondence, etc.
Assistant Director W.E. Harper worked 8 nights, securing 32 plates. Measured for radial velocity 40. Made least-squares solution of orbit of HD 125335 and wrote up for publication.
[On August 18, 1931, Harper gave a talk on CFHT titled “Summer Stars”, Ed.]
Tue, Aug 18, 1931 – 10 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·
Astronomer J.A. Pearce observed 2 nights, obtaining 22 plates. Computed a general solution for Galactic Rotation and solar motion for 314 objects showing interstellar lines. Completed proof reading Volume V, Number 1. Made up ten bottles of developer and fixer.
Astronomer C.S. Beals observed 8 nights, obtaining 17 stellar spectra. Spent month mainly in the measurement of the shapes of Wolf Rayet bands with the new photo-electric microphotometer.
Astronomer F.S. Hogg observed one night securing 7 plates. Spent some time familiarizing myself with telescope and measuring apparatus. Measured 3 plates. Gave one seminar talk.
[Frank Scott Hogg’s appointment to the DAO was noted in the Victoria Times Daily, incorrectly identifying him as Dr. Frank Hart. They did note that he and his wife drove from the East coast of the US to Victoria. The recently married couple named their car ‘Wishbone”. The name came from their first dinner as a married couple., Ed.]
Fri, Aug 14, 1931 – 14 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·
Computer S.N. Hill computed proper motions and position angles of B type stars. Deriving and applying Raymond’s revised correction in declination to computations mentioned above. Computational and other related work in connection with measurement and reduction of band spectra.
Clerk-Stenographer Miss L.M. Blake handled correspondence, filing, library assistance, accounts, proof reading Volume V, Numbers 1 and 2, computations and typing of envelopes for spectra.
Astronomical Assistant T.T. Hutchison worked 17 nights assisting with observing. Kept telescope in running condition and made some repairs to calculating and measuring machines.
Astronomical Assistant H.H. Plaskett observed for the spectrum of solar granulation on every fine day through the month with different dispersions and plates. Observed 3 nights securing 3 plates of the spectra of planetary nuclei (sic). Experimental work on wedge calibration and other miscellaneous activities.
Astronomical Assistant R.M. Petrie measured 15 spectrograms. Calculated and identified wave-lengths in RT Aurigae. Observed 7 nights securing 25 spectrograms. Gave 2 colloquium talks.
[Robert Petrie was studying at the University of Michigan and worked the summer at DAO. He spoke on “Astronomical Instruments” to the RASC, Ed.] Tue, Aug 25, 1931 – 6 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·