Plaskett Report for December 1924

The observing weather for December was much above average om the number of nights on which observations were secured and to a lesser extent in the character of the seeing itself. A frosty spell for a couple of weeks gave clear skies for several nights. On 14 nights a total of 130 plates were secured.

[Transportation service that stopped at the Observatory. Observatory staff may have used this service once the BC Electric Railway stopped service, Ed.]

Tue, Dec 9, 1924 – 8 · The Victoria Daily Times (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Director J. S. Plaskett obtained 52 spectrograms on 3 nights and measured 41 spectrograms for radial velocity. Looked over all B-type spectra and noted peculiarities. Worked on two binaries. Handled the usual administrative work and correspondence.

[Plaskett had a full page article titled “Mysteries of the Stars Revealed” in the December 7 edition of the Daily Colonist. In the article Plaskett states that Mars is probably lifeless and that the Earth may be the only planet with intelligent life in the Universe., Ed.]

Research Astronomer W. E. Harper worked 4 nights and obtained 20 spectrograms and measured for radial velocity 41 plates. Determined and wrote up the orbit of 22 Vulpeculae. Reading up statistics of double stars.

[Harper’s promotion to Assistant Director was noted in the Victoria Daily Times, Ed.]

Mon, Dec 15, 1924 – 20 · The Victoria Daily Times (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Astronomer H. H. Plaskett obtained 1 long exposure spectrum on 1 night. Prepared lecture and wrote for publication on “Science and the Future”. Preliminary computations and performed 75% of measurement of intensities in NGC 7027.

[Harry Plaskett gave a talk at the Christ Church Memorial Hall, Ed.]

Tue, Dec 2, 1924 – 9 · The Victoria Daily Times (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Assistant Astronomer J. A. Pearce obtained 41 spectra on 5 nights. Measured 40 spectra for radial velocity. Worked on the orbit of HD 216014. Examined 40 plates of emission Wolf-Rayet O-type stars for classification.

Fri, Dec 19, 1924 – 5 · The Victoria Daily Times (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Computing Assistant S. N. Hill measured and reduced for radial velocity 44 spectrograms. Reduced 8 additional spectra for radial velocity. Prepared and tables for binding (sic).

Observing Assistant W. H Christie obtained 7 spectrograms on 1 night

Senior Clerk Typist  Miss H. R. Keay handled the usual accounts, plates, correspondence and reports. Revising the mailing list. She typed two articles for publication. New cover glasses on a dozen lantern slides.

Instrument Maker Foreman T. T., Hutchison assisted in observing on 11 1/2 nights. Repairs to telescope. Enlarging outfit for dark room of office building.