The observing weather though a slight improvement on January has not been favourable. 86 spectrograms were obtained on 13 nights and parts of nights while on 3 nights, though the dome was opened and observation begun, no useful result was obtained. The computing and other work of the observatory made good progress.
[Plaskett’s lobbying and other efforts paid off when the Federal Government agreed to provide $24,000 for a new office building. It is interesting that the wire from the Minister of Public Works was sent to the Chamber of Commerce.. Ed.]

The funding for an office building at the observatory was announced in the February 20, 1923 newspaper
Director J. S. Plaskett resumed observing around the middle of February and obtained 10 spectrograms on 1 night and measured 42 spectrograms for radial velocity. Experimental work on the flexure of the spectrograph and the usual administrative work and correspondence.
[The Victoria Daily Times reported on remarks made by Plaskett when he arrived in Seattle to deliver a lecture, Ed.]
Research Astronomer W E. Harper obtained 36 spectrograms on 4 nights and measured 67 spectrograms for radial velocity and 30 spectrograms for absolute magnitude. Measuring of the eclipse plates for the Einstein shift took about 5 days.
Astronomer R. K Young obtained 19 spectrograms on 4 nights and completed the measurements of plates for absolute magnitude. Continued measurement of the eclipse plates for the Einstein shift, making about 2500 settings. Estimated the types of 100 stars and made a study of stellar parallaxes.
[Young gave a lecture about his upcoming trip to Australia to observe the solar eclipse, Ed.]Assistant Astronomer H. H. Plaskett obtained 21 spectrograms on 4 nights. He measured 38 wedge spectra for determination of carbon arc temperature and absorption of lenses. Finished computing the temperature of the standard filament lamp in comparison with itself and an acetylene flame. Found the systematic error on the wedge constant t be about 1.5 percent and determined arc as 3075 ± 25.
Instrument Maker Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted in observing on 12 nights. Made necessary repairs to the telescope and dome and constructed a stand for the microphotometer.
Clerk-Stenographer Miss H. R. Keay handled the usual correspondence, accounts and plates. Read the proof of Volume II, Numbers 7 and 8. Prepared Volume II, Numbers 5 and 6 for distribution. Prepared 92 volumes of periodicals for binding.