The weather has continued poor for observation though a few good nights were secured at the end of the month. On 10 nights a total of 90 plates were secured. The average for the month for the past seven years is 118 plates on 13 nights
Director J. S. Plaskett obtained no spectrograms but measured 22 spectrograms of HD 45910 for radial velocity and discussed this variable spectrum. Further work on υ Sagittarrii (sic). Handled the usual administrative work. Left for Montreal on Feb. 18.
[Plaskett gave a talk to the Canadian Club in Vancouver on February 19 on his way to Montreal, Ed.]
Fri, Feb 19, 1926 – 30 · The Province (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) ·
Assistant Director W. E. Harper worked 4 nights and secured 54 spectra. Measured 23 spectrograms for radial velocity. Continued work on A-type spectroscopic parallaxes. Handled administrative duties in absence of Director.
[Harper gave an address to the Victoria Centre of the RASC titled “Famous Observatories of the World and Their Work”, Ed.]
Wed, Feb 10, 1926 – 6 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·
Research Astronomer H. H. Plaskett worked 4 nights obtaining 19 spectra. Day work was divided between writing up section 1 of paper on “Nebular Spectra” and reading some theoretical physics.
Assistant Astronomer J. A. Pearce observed on 1 night obtaining 7 spectra. Measured 20 spectrograms. Balance of time spent in reading of recent literature and preparation of an observing programme of B9 stars between 7 Hrs and 20 Hrs. Absent on leave 8 days.
Astronomical Computer S. N. Hill measured and reduced for radial velocity 61 B-type spectrograms. Work in connection with the library. On leave 1 day.
Senior Clerk Typist Miss H. R. Keay handled the usual plates, correspondence, accounts and reports. Typed the binary orbit for Dr. Plaskett and prepared Volume III, Number 11 for printing. Corrected proof of Volume III, Number 10,
Instrument Maker Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted in observing on 7½ nights. Repaired shutter cable twice and made other minor repairs.
Temporary Assistant R. M. Petrie worked 2 nights securing 10 spectra. Assisted in observing one other night.