The observing weather during the month has been unusually poor with 20 spectrograms on 6 nights and parts of nights. But the reduction and discussion work in the office has made satisfactory progress. The manuscript for Volume II, Number 16, a large and important publication was finally completed and sent to the printer, and that for Volume III, Number 1, which is still larger as it contains the spectroscopic parallaxes and absolute magnitudes of 1080 stars, is making excellent progress and should be nearly ready in the present month.
[An article titled “Rambles Around Victoria”, which was one of series of that name, describes the geology of Observatory and laments the name change from Little Saanich Mountain, Ed]
Director J. S. Plaskett obtained 6 spectrograms on 2 nights and measured 5 spectrograms for radial velocity. Whole office time after the usual administrative and correspondence work attended to, occupied in preparation and final revision for printing of the manuscript of Volume II, Number 16 – The O-type Stars.
[Volume II, Number 16 of the Publications was the 13th highest cited astronomy paper published in 1924. Ed.]Research Astronomer W. E. Harper obtained 8 spectrograms on 2 nights. He finished measurement of the Harvard stars and spectroscopic binaries for absolute magnitude. He also spent time collating and arranging material for publication.
[Harper was a member of the newly formed “World Outlook Club, Ed]Astronomer R. K Young obtained 9 spectrograms on 1 night with unsuccessful attempt on a second night. Finished a report on absolute magnitude of lake K and M type stars for the Journal of the RASC. Computed with the assistance of Mr. Hill constants of proper motion of 300 stars for final investigation of systematic errors of the stellar absolute magnitudes determined spectroscopically by self and Mr. Harper.
Astronomer H. H. Plaskett obtained 1 long exposure wedge spectrogram of the Orion Nebula and 2 star spectra on 1 night. with the necessary carbon arc comparisons on the former. Worked on the theory of the Fabry Perot interferometer and on Sommerfeld’s “Atombau” in preparation for research on nebular spectrum.
Assistant Computer S. N. Hill was occupied in computations of distance between the solar apex and stars used in Harper’s and Young’s spectroscopic parallax work, and also assisted in part of the work on the Director’s O-type Stars paper.
Clerk Stenographer Miss H. R. Keay handled the usual accounts, plates, correspondence and reports. Typed and prepared Volume II, Number 16 for printing. Typed the article on absolute magnitude of late K and K (sic) type stars for the Journal of the RASC.
Instrument Maker Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted with observing on 5 nights. Superintended making of repairs to shutter and elevating platform. Usual work in maintenance of mechanism in working order.