Plaskett Report for July 1924

The observing weather has been excellent during the month, 212 spectrograms being secured on 29 nights and office work has made satisfactory progress though a good deal broken into by holidays and other absences of the staff.

[The tourist bureau issued a map for tourists that included the Observatory as a highlight, Ed.]

Fri, Jul 18, 1924 – 18 · The Victoria Daily Times (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Director J. S. Plaskett obtained 9 spectrograms on 1 night and measured 25 plates for radial velocity. Supervision of building and other construction and the usual correspondence and administrative work.

Research Astronomer W. E. Harper obtained 28 spectrograms on 4 nights and measured 36 plates for radial velocity. Prepared the orbit of Boss 1452 for publication. Worked one day on transparencies for Toronto. Away for 10 days of holiday and special leave.

Fri, Jul 25, 1924 – 9 · The Victoria Daily Times (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Astronomer R. K. Young obtained 43 spectrograms on 7 nights. Completed least-squares orbits of BD +66 878 and Scuti and prepared a paper for the American Astronomical Society. Prepared a paper on absolute magnitudes for the Toronto meeting. Final report.

Astronomer H. H. Plaskett obtained 19 spectrograms on 4 nights. Measured 25 plates for radial velocity. Revised work on spectroscopic binaries remeasuring and reducing old plates. 9 days holiday

Astronomical Computer S. N. Hill measured 41 spectrograms for radial velocity. Prepared reduction constants for 100 stars. Checked over latitudes and longitudes of 80 stars.

Senior Clerk Typist Miss H. R. Keay handled the usual plates, reports, accounts and correspondence. Typed papers for meetings. Entered about 75 new volumes in the library catalogue. 8 days leave.

Summer Assistant W. H. Christie obtained 74 spectrograms on 8 nights. Measured and reduced 104 plates for radial velocity

Summer Assistant Stanley Smith obtained 39 spectrograms on 5 nights. Measured 45 plates for radial velocity. Work on orbit of spectroscopic binary

Instrument Maker Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted with night observations on 20 nights. Repairs and adjustments to shutter and dome. Placed dowels in spectrograph and did the usual maintenance work.