Plaskett Report for July 1925

The month has been exceptionally good for observation. We were fortunate in selecting a time to resilver the mirror just after a period of smoky skies and at the beginning of a prolonged clear spell. An excellent coat of silver was secured on July 8th and 228 plates were secured on 27 nights. The average for the past six years for t his month is 206 on 26 nights.

[Saanich Council passed a resolution asking the Federal Government to ban large buses on Observatory HIll which they felt were very dangerous, Ed.]

Sat, Jul 25, 1925 – 18 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Director J. S. Plaskett on leave in England

[While in England, Plaskett and his wife were received by the King and Queen of England, Ed.]

Mon, Jul 27, 1925 – 8 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Assistant Director W. E. Harper worked on 6 nights securing 70 spectrograms. Measured 39 for radial velocity. Considerable day time work was devoted to testing periods for binaries. Parts of two days engaged in silvering the mirror. Handled the usual administrative duties in absence of Director.

Astronomer H. H. Plaskett worked parts of 6 nights. He obtained 2 long exposure spectra and 21 ordinary spectra. Day time work has been almost entirely spent on the accurate computation s of the errors introduced into intensity distribution work by the movement of the Cassegrain shadow on the collimator and in the design of a new diaphram to reduce these errors to less the 0.01 percent. Part of one day was spent assisting in silvering the mirror

Assistant Astronomer J. A. Pearce observed on 6 nights, obtaining 72 spectrograms. Measured 37 for radial velocity. He worked on the period of HD 1346.

Astronomical Computer S. N. Hill measured and reduced for radial velocity 49 spectrograms.

Engineering Clerk W. H Christie (temporary) observed on 9 nights, obtaining 63 spectra. Measured and reduced for radial velocity 15 plates. Proceeded with least-squares solution for the orbit of HR 6506

Senior Clerk Typist Miss H. R. Keay handled the usual accounts, plates, correspondence and reports. Corrected the proofs of Volume III, Numbers 5, 6, 7, and 8. Typed Volume III, Number 9 for the printer. Copied data on 160 radial velocity cards for Mr. Harper

Instrument Maker Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted in observing on 23 nights. Repaired the shutter cable and dismantled the telescope for silvering the mirror and replaced same.