The observing weather was somewhat above average for the month, a total of 254 plates being secured on 27 nights. The average for the past seven years for July is 209 plates on 26 nights.
Sat, Jul 10, 1926 – 9 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·
Director J. S. Plaskett obtained 2 spectrograms. Measured 36 spectrograms for radial velocity and the components of the hydrogen lines of ν Sagittarii on 15 spectrograms. Completed writing end tables for Volume IV, Number 1 – “Three Peculiar Spectra” for publication Obtained the period of HD 193535. Made 20 diameter enlargements of numerous spectrograms for reproduction in the above number. Handled the usual correspondence and accounts.
Assistant Director W. E. Harper worked 5 nights obtaining 49 spectra and measured for radial velocity 78 spectrograms. Wrote up the orbit of the star HR 4750 for publication. Determined the periods of the stars 33 Piscium, 71 Acquilae and Boss 5579. Compiled our portion of Interior Report.
Research Astronomer H. H. Plaskett had outside duty up to July 19th. Holidays July 10 – 13. Worked one night obtaining long exposure spectrum of ‘ ‘ Cygni. Day work has been spent in writing up the observational part of the paper on “Nebular Spectra” and in reading some recent papers on astrophysics.
[The Victoria Daily Times noted H.H. Plaskett’s return from the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Ed.] Mon, Jul 12, 1926 – 9 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·
Assistant Astronomer J. A. Pearce observed on 4 nights and obtained 54 spectrograms. Measured 45 spectrograms for radial velocity. Compiling data on class B stars.
Astronomical Computer S. N. Hill spent time trying out periods of κ Draconis with the view of harmonizing Yerkes observations, Measuring 4 plates of κ Draconis. WOrk on least-squares solution of κ Draconis. Work in connection with the library.
Temporary Assistant W. H. Christie observed 8 nights obtaining 78 spectra. Measured and reduced 16 spectrograms for radial velocity. Worked on the orbit of HR 5702 and on the period of Boss 3180. Continued work on the card catalogue.
Temporary Assistant R. M. Petrie observed on 9 nights securing 70 plates. Measured 34 plates to determine radial velocity. Worked on the binaries HR 4535 and Boss 3555.
Senior Clerk Typist Miss H. R. Keay handled the usual correspondence, accounts, plates and reports. Typed the orbit of HR 4750 for Mr. Harper. Also astronomical articles for publication. Further work on the library catalogue.
Instrument Maker Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted in observing on 20½ nights. Minor adjustments made to telescope.