Plaskett Report for July 1927

While the first week or ten days was somewhat broken, the remainder of the month was clear practically every night. Observations were made on 27 nights and 183 spectra secured as compared with an eight-year average of 26 nights and 215 spectra.

[The Province of BC built the road up Observatory Hill as part of their contribution to the construction of the Observatory. It wasn’t until July 1927 that they relinquished control of the road to the Federal Gov’t. The road was paved in 1932 as a works project during the Depression, Ed]

Thu, Jul 7, 1927 – 9 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Director J. S. Plaskett obtained 13 spectrograms on 1 night and measured 42 spectrograms for radial velocity. Made lists of B-type velocities for galactic rotation investigation and worked on theory. Handled the usual administrative work and correspondence.

Assistant Director W. E. Harper worked 1 night securing 11 spectra. Measured for radial velocity 11 spectra. Spend considerable time investigating periods of binaries, determining two, A Persei and HR 8210. Gave talk on “Spectral Distribution”.

Research Astronomer H. H. Plaskett worked 4 nights obtaining 6 plates with 19 spectra in all. Worked on empirical relations amongst planetary nebulae. Prepared and gave a talk on diffuse matter in interstellar space. Worked on theory of bright line stellar spectra.

Astronomer J. A. Pearce worked on 6 nights, obtaining 54 plates. Measured 55 plates for radial velocity. Prepared talk for Local Camp Group and talk before staff.

Astronomical Computer S. N. Hill spent time computing total proper motion and position angle of proper motion vector. Computing galactic latitude and longitude from right ascension and declination and plotting graph for same. Computing D angles from Solar apex.

Senior Clerk-Stenographer Miss L. M. Blake handled the usual correspondence, accounts, reports, astronomical typing and plates. Read the galley proof of Volume IV, Number 3. Work on cards for mailing list and library.

Temporary Assistant R. M. Petrie observed on 6 nights, obtaining 37 spectrograms. Measured 46 spectrograms to determine radial velocity. Obtained a preliminary period of HR 6611. Gave a talk to staff on Mars 1924 opposition.

Temporary Assistant P. M. Millman observed 7 nights, obtaining 45 plates. Measured 40 plates and worked on the period of HD 185936. Gave a talk to staff on “Japanese Life”

Temporary Assistant Dr. H. Zanstra worked 2 nights obtaining 4 films with ultra-violet spectrograph in connection with study of intensities of star and envelope in slitless spectrograms of planetary nebulae. Construction and adjustment of apparatus. Gave talk on “Theoretical Course of Line Widths.”

Instrument Maker Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted in observing on 20 nights. Kept telescope in running order.