Plaskett Report for July 1932

Local meteorological statistics show this month to be the wettest in sixty years. In line with that our observing weather has been limited, there being only one poorer July (1918) on record since the institution was opened. This month on 13 nights with 70.4 hours 50 plates were secured as against a thirteen-year average for the month of 26 nights 135.5 hours and 182 plates.

Approximately 4480 persons visited the Observatory during the month

[Reconstruction of the road up Observatory Hill was completed in July, Ed.]

Tue, Jul 12, 1932 – 11 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Director J.S. Plaskett reduced the observed proper motions of O and B-type stars to their parallactic and peculiar components for the determination of the mean parallaxes. Usual correspondence and administration.

Assistant Director W.E. Harper worked 3 nights securing 20 plates. Measured for radial velocity 30. Gave one seminar talk on the “Corpuscular Eclipse” for which considerable reading was necessary and also addresses to the Kiwanis Club and Summer School. Checking over and tabulating radial velocity results.

Wed, Jul 6, 1932 – 10 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Astronomer J.A. Pearce observed on 2 nights obtained 5 plates. Measured 19 plates for radial velocity, obtained the preliminary elements of the eclipsing binary HD 93033. Computer proper motions of Class B stars in southern hemisphere (with JSP).

Astronomer C.S. Beals observed 1 night, obtained 1 plate (all night exposure). Made a computation of the theoretical contours of the members of the Pickering series of He II from the observed contour of λ4686. Made a determination of the proportion of emitting hydrogen atoms relative to the helium atoms emitting the Pickering series, from data on the total integrated intensities of the Balmer Pickering series. Gave one seminar talk.

Astronomer F.S. Hogg observed 2 nights securing 2 long exposure spectra and one other night securing 10 direct photographs. Secured two plates for radial velocity, two for wave lengths. Worked on raster and wedge calibration. Wrote note for PASP on the “The Presence of the Bands of Titanium Oxide in the Spectrum of Z Andromendae“.

Computer S.N. Hill prepared drawings for publication (Dr. Beal’s article). Spectra photometric work. Dr. Beal’s programme. Preparation of publications for binding.

Astronomical Assistant T.T. Hutchison assisted in observing on 10½ nights. Replaced wheel in dome under observing platform and kept telescope in running order.

Clerk-Stenographer C. Martin handled accounts, reports, correspondence, typing and filing.