Plaskett Report for June 1926

The observing weather was considerably above average, a total of 206 plates being secured on 23 nights. The average for seven years is 124 plates on 19 nights.

Director J. S. Plaskett Measured 24 spectrograms for radial velocity. Compared numerous spectrograms for type and similarity to three peculiar spectra now being discussed. Preparation of paper on above for publication.

Doctors and wives visit DAODoctors and wives visit DAO Thu, Jun 24, 1926 – 9 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Assistant Director W. E. Harper worked 1 night securing 15 plates and measured for radial velocity 15 spectrograms. Determined the period of HR 4750 and made a least-squares solution deriving final elements of the orbit.

Research Astronomy H. H. Plaskett was busy in preparing a paper for the San Francisco meeting.

[A lengthy article in the Victoria Daily Times reports on Plaskett’s work presented at the meeting, Ed.]

Harry weighs electronHarry weighs electron Sat, Jun 19, 1926 – 1 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Assistant Astronomer J. A. Pearce observed on 6 nights obtaining 57 plates. Measured 41 spectrograms for radial velocity. Worked on the orbits of HD 19820 and HD 209481

Astronomical Computer S. N. Hill measured 18 B-type spectrograms for radial velocity. Working on the period of HD 109387

Summer Assistant W. H Christie observed 8 nights obtaining 68 spectra for radial velocity. Experimented with silenium cell photometer. Worked on the card catalogue and on three spectroscopic binary stars obtaining the preliminary elements of HR 5702

Summer Assistant R. M. Petrie observed on 8 nights securing 66 spectrograms and measured 52 spectrograms for radial velocity. Worked on and obtained the period of HR 4535. Made trials for the period of Boss 3555.

Senior Clerk Typist Miss H. R. Keay handled the usual plates, accounts, correspondence and reports. Prepared Volume III, Number 12 for the printer. Read the page proof of Volume III, Numbers 11 and 14. Work on library catalogue.

Instrument Maker Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted in observing on 20 nights. Readjusting cables and fixing wind shields.