The month was the poorest for observations of any March since the observatory was opened. On 9 nights with 46.0 hours observing 35 plates were secured. The lowest previous record for the month was in 1928 when on 14 nights 80.0 hours observing was secured. The 13-year average for the month shows 16 nights, 103.7 hours and 136 plates.
Approximately 245 persons visited the institution during the month.
Director J.S. Plaskett – besides the usual correspondence and administrative work considerable time was spent in the preparation of the chairman’s report for the radial velocity commission of the International Astronomical Union.
Assistant Director W.E. Harper worked one night securing 9 plates. Measured for radial velocity 40. SPent considerable time on blends in A-type stars. and prepared a table of wave-lengths for use in these stars. Gave one seminar and one outside address.
Thu, Mar 17, 1932 – 5 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·
Astronomer J.A. Pearce observed on 3 nights securing 13 spectrograms. Measured 20 spectrograms. Completed the orbits for HS 44201, HD 208095. Completed a table of wave-length for radial velocity standards in O and B type stars. Worked on the orbits of HD 29376 and HD 39698
Astronomer C.S. Beals observed 1 night. Obtained 1 plate. Spent the month largely in analysing and preparing for publication data on the aurora borealis accumulated during the past two years.
Astronomer F.S. Hogg observed 4 nights. Obtained 12 plates. Measured 15 plates for radial velocity. Worked on a period of one binary
Computer S.N. Hill measured and reduced for radial velocity 25 B-type spectrograms of HD 176818 and obtained the period. Prepared drawings for publication showing –
(1) Solution of 182 stars, weak K lines
(2) Solution of 132 stars, strong K lines
Clerk-Stenographer L.M. Blake handled accounts, reports, and correspondence. Library assistance. Envelopes for 33 stars. Other typing.
Astronomical Assistant T.T. Hutchison assisted in observing on 4 nights. Kept telescope in working condition and made repairs to wind shield.