Plaskett Report for May 1922

The work of the observatory made satisfactory progress during the month. Observing conditions, however, have continued to be much poorer than the average as only 98 plates were obtained on 18 nights or parts of nights.

Volume II, Number 1 of the observatory publications, “The Radial Velocities of 594 Stars“, was distributed during the month and Volume I, Numbers 26 to 29 and Volume II, Number 2 were received from the printer.

Director J. S. Plaskett was absent in Ottawa from May 11. He obtained 13 spectra on 2 nights and completed publication of Volume II, Numbers 3 and 4. Usual administrative work.

[Plaskett was in Ottawa to attend the conference of the Royal Society of Canada, of which he was a member. At the meeting, Plaskett was elected as vice-president of the Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry section. Plaskett presented the results on his discovery of the most massive star known. This was noted in the May 19, 1922 Ottawa Citizen which described it as a “very engrossing description”., Ed.]
Fri, May 19, 1922 – 4 · The Ottawa Citizen (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) ·

Research Astronomer W. E. Harper obtained 44 spectrograms on 6 nights. Some time devoted to administrative work during the Director’s absence. The remainder of his time was spent in computations for determining parallaxes from proper motion.

Assistant Astronomer R. K. Young obtained 17 spectrograms on 4 nights.  All day time devoted to computational work on parallaxes from proper motions of standard velocity stars.

Assistant Astronomer H. H. Plaskett obtained 24 plates on 6 nights.  Remainder of day time spent on computations in regard to Saha’s theory of the production of stellar spectra and preparation of material and manuscript for Volume I, Number 30 of the publications.

Instrument Maker Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted in observations on 12 nights. Maintenance of telescope in operation for part of time. Installed additional bearing truck wheels under main ribs for relieving part of weight.

Clerk-Stenographer Miss H. R. Keay handled the usual correspondence, accounts and plates. Typed “Colonist” articles, an article for the JRASC and two numbers of the publications. Entered computations and data on card catalogue. Work in preparations two sets of publications for mailing. Entered and filed back correspondence.