Plaskett Report for May 1927

While 121 plates were secured on 20 nights as against 130 on 21 nights as the eight-year average, yet quite a number are poorer in quality than usual., due to broken observing weather. On several additional nights the dome was opened nut no usable observations were secured.

[Fears raised by astrologers about an approaching comet allay by J.S. Plaskett, Ed.]

Tue, May 3, 1927 – 1 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Director J. S. Plaskett observed one night securing two plates. Preparing charts for slides illustrating lecture “From the Electron to Einstein’s Universe”. Usual correspondence and administrative duties until leaving to attend the Royal Society on May 14th.

[While on his way to Ottawa to attend the Royal Society of Canada meeting, Plaskett stopped in Winnipeg to give a lecture.]
Wed, May 18, 1927 – Page 3 · The Winnipeg Tribune (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) ·

Assistant Director W. E. Harper worked 5 nights securing 38 spectra and measured for radial velocity 56. Administrative duties in absence of the Director.

Research Astronomer H. H. Plaskett worked parts of 3 nights obtaining 10 spectra. Day work has been principally devoted to a discussion of possible regularities in planetary nebulae and also to some reading in thermodynamics.

Astronomer J. A. Pearce observed 7 nights obtaining 40 plates. Computed apical angles (D) from the solar apex for the whole sphere. Drew graph for converting right ascension and declinations into Galactic latitudes and longitudes. Worked on radial velocity card catalogue of O and B-type stars.

Senior Clerk Typist Miss H. R. Keay on holiday leave.

Senior Clerk-Stenographer Miss L. M. Blake handled the usual accounts, general correspondence, plates, reports and usual astronomical typing. Typed and prepared for printer Volume IV, Number 3, “Two A-Type Spectroscopic Binaries” by Mr. Harper. Read proof of Volume IV, Number 2. Work on the library catalogue and mailing list. Assisted Mr. Pearce with a graph.

Temporary Assistant R. M. Petrie observed on 4 nights securing 31 spectrograms. Measured 32 plates for radial velocity. Obtained approximate period of HR 6979.

Temporary Assistant P. M. Millman reported for duty May 28th. Assisted in observing one night. Measuring check plates for radial velocity.

Astronomical Computer S. N. Hill did a least-squares solution of orbit of 103 Tauri. Writing up orbit. Computing proper motion of B-type stars.

Instrument Maker Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted in observing on 15 nights. Aligning 7-inch finder and general repair work about telescope.