Plaskett Report for May 1931

The observing weather was about normal for the month for, while fewer nights were obtained, the total observing time was about the same. On 18 nights with 106.7 hours, 90 plates were obtained as against a twelve-year average for the month of 22 nights, 108.3 hours and 125 plates.

Approximately 1084 persons visited the observatory during the month.

Director J.S. Plaskett prepared papers for presentation at meeting of Royal Society in Toronto, as well as address at Winnipeg. Left for the East on the 11th.

[Plaskett presented four papers from Observatory staff at the meeting in Toronto, Ed.]

Tue, May 12, 1931 – 20 · The Victoria Daily Times (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

[It was at this meeting that the Flavelle medal was awarded to Dr. Frederick G. Banting for his pioneer research on insulin. Plaskett would win the Flavelle medal in 1932. A brief description of the meeting in Nature notes “The customary popular lecture was this year given by Dr. J. S. Plaskett, Director of the Victoria Observatory, on the “Structure and Motions of the Galaxy”., Ed.]

Sat, May 16, 1931 – Page 2 · The Winnipeg Tribune (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) ·

Assistant Director W.E. Harper worked 8 nights securing 59 plates. Measured for radial velocity 45. On short notice prepared address for Canadian Manufacturers Association on the “Contributions of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory to Astronomy”. Administrative duties in the absence of  the Director

[An article in the Saturday, May 30, 1931 edition of the Victoria Daily Times notes that the Monday address would be given by Dr. J.A. Pearce, Ed.]

Astronomer J.A. Pearce observed 4 nights, obtaining 17 plates. Measured 4 plates for wave lengths of G and K type lines. Prepared paper for Royal Society of Canada. Preliminary computation on absolute magnitude of Class O-B2 stars determined from the interstellar calcium lines in their spectra.

[Pearce clarified a report that appeared in the Victoria Daily Times stating that he and Plaskett has discovered a new, massive star, Ed.]

Important clarificationImportant clarification Sat, May 16, 1931 – 1 · The Victoria Daily Times (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Astronomer C.S. Beals observed 6 nights, obtaining  14 plates. Completed construction of photo-electric microphotometer and made satisfactory test measures with same. Prepared papers on contours of Wolf Rayet bands for meetings at Toronto and Pasadena. Also prepared paper on same subject for publication in Monthly Notices.

Computer S.N. Hill did translation and investigation of Guthnick’s article on photometric and spectroscopic data of HD 185936. Computational work on constants, wave lengths and engine readings for I.L. reduction table. Preparation of drawings for publications and lectures. Compiling tabular data on B stars preparatory to computations of parallaxes.

Clerk-Stenographer Miss L.M. Blake handled correspondence, accounts, envelopes for spectra and library work. Typing papers for RSC meeting and AAAS meeting for all members of staff. Proof-reading Volume V, Numbers 1 and 2. Typing articles for press and RASC Journal

Astronomical Assistant T.T Hutchison assisted in observing on 13 nights and observed two nights alone. Made some small pieces of laboratory apparatus and kept telescope in order.