The best observing November since work began. Obtained 185 spectrograms on 20 nights. General progress of work is satisfactory. Dr. Young who has been absent for five months on Eclipse Expedition to Australia returned on Nov. 18 with successful results. [ J. S. Plaskett was in charge of the Dominion Observatory’s expedition to the August, 1905 eclipse. but the weather prevented them from getting any results. Plaskett who was very involved in the field of photography took many photos during the expedition. This photo shows the expedition group with Plaskett bottom row, center. Ed.]
Director J. S. Plaskett obtained 41 spectrograms on 6 nights and measured 75 spectrograms for radial velocity. Made tests of the Moffitt and Ross lenses and of ultraviolet spectrograph. Handled the usual administrative work and correspondence. Absent three days due to illness.
Research Astronomer W. E. Harper obtained 69 spectrograms on 7 nights and measured 79 spectrograms for radial velocity. Measured 40 spectrograms for absolute magnitude. Performed computing work on spectroscopic binaries and other minor details
Astronomer R. K. Young returned from Australia on November 18. Obtained 31 spectrograms on 3 nights and measured 12 spectrograms for radial velocity and for absolute magnitude. Spent 3 days identifying stars on eclipse plates and investigated the Repsold machine for the measurement of these plates.
Assistant astronomer H. H. Plaskett obtained 44 spectra on 7 nights. Measured wedge calibration plates and computed new values of the wedge constant. Used the new values of the wedge constant to recompute intensity distribution in the sun obtaining values in close agreement with Abbot’s. Absent with illness for 2 days.
Clerk-Stenographer Miss H. R. Keay attended to the usual correspondence and accounts, and entered plates. Typed “Colonist” articles and other miscellaneous material. Proof read Volume I, Number 30 and index for Volume I. Absent with illness for 1 day.
Instrument Make Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted in observing on 10 nights. Performed the necessary adjustment and repairs on the telescope and dome, and made the attachment for the ultraviolet telescope.