Plaskett Report for November 1930

The month was a little below the average for observing. On 12 nights with 74.5 hours observing 47 plates were secured. The twelve-year average for the month shows 12 nights, 82.8 hours and 90 plates.

Approximately 267 persons visited the Observatory during the month.

Director J.S. Plaskett measured 6 spectrograms. Preparing for publications parts of Volume V, Numbers 1, 2 and 3. Checking over velocities interstellar calcium. Handled the usual correspondence and administrative work.

[Plaskett was an avid golfer and this clipping from November 7, 1930, shows that he and W. Pemberton won their match. William Parnell Despard Pemberton  was the youngest son of Joseph D. Pemberton one of the founding families in Victoria who also served as the Surveyor-General for British Columbia, Ed.]

Fri, Nov 7, 1930 – 14 · The Victoria Daily Times (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Assistant Director W.E. Harper observed 3 nights securing 25 spectra. Measured for radial velocity 75. Gave one seminar talk.

Astronomer J.A. Pearce observed 1 nights,  obtaining 2 spectrograms. Worked on Volume 5, Number 3 of Publications. Gave one seminar talk.

Astronomer C.S. Beals observed 3 nights, obtaining 7 plates. Worked on wave length determination in laboratory. Set up and tested new galvanometer. Gave one seminar talk.

Astronomer R.O Redman measured 59 spectra for radial velocity. Observed 5 nights, obtaining 13 plates. Commenced calibration of optical wedge in red region. gave on seminar talk.

Computer S.N. Hill – writing up HD 185936 for publication and checking tables for same. Computing tables of β Lyrae. Computational and other related work on card index southern B type stars.

Clerk-Stenographer Mis L.M. Blake handled the usual correspondence, accounts, reports and envelopes for spectrograms. Typing, checking and preparing for printing tables and manuscript for Volume V, Numbers 1 and 2.

Astronomical Assitant T.T. Hutchison assisted in observing on 9½ nights and kept telescope in running order.