Plaskett Report for October 1930

The month was a little above the average for observing, as on 18 nights 127 plates were secured, with a total observing time of 143.5 hours. The twelve-year average shows 16nights, 130 plates and 125.0 hours.

Approximately 711 persons visited the observatory during the month.

Director J.S. Plaskett preparation of statistics and writing up of introduction for Volume V, Numbers 1 and 2, with correspondence in regard to details of Number 2. Handled the usual administrative work and correspondence.

[On October 4, J.S. Plaskett and his wife were guests at a dinner party at Government House hosted by the Lieutenant-Governor of BC, Ed.]

Mon, Oct 6, 1930 – 8 · The Victoria Daily Times (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Assistant Director W.E. Harper observed 5 nights, securing 46 plates. Measured for radial velocity 52. Computed settings for reconfigured Brashear prism for 1M dispersion. Gave two seminar talks.

Astronomer J.A. Pearce observed on 5 nights, obtaining 35 spectrograms. Measured 23 spectrograms for radial velocity. Completed manuscript copy of Victoria observations – Volume V, Number 1. Compiled table of 117 spectroscopic binaries of O and B type stars recently discovered.; table of statistics, Volume V, Number 1 and table of statistics, Volume V, Number 2.

Astronomer C.S. Beals worked 4 nights obtaining 11 plates. Spent month on laboratory work on spectra of O and N. obtained and measured 12 3rd order grating spectra.

Astronomer R.O. Redman worked 4 nights, obtaining 35 plates. Measured 50 plates for radial velocity. Read articles on stellar atmospheres. Gave one seminar talk. Made up observing programme of K stars.

Computer S.N. Hill did work on statistical data for radial velocity catalogue. Deriving weights of 70 B-type spectra for use in least-squares solution. Least-squares solution of HD 185936. Measuring B plates of above binary for Ca velocity.

Clerk-Stenographer Miss L.M. Blake handled the usual correspondence, accounts, reports. Computations and type envelopes for 127 plates. Typing and preparing for printer Volume V, Number 2; other astronomical articles for publication.

[Lora M. Blake led an interesting life away from the Observatory, In October, 1930 she was residing at the Windermere Hotel.,  Ed.]

Mon, Oct 20, 1930 – 8 · The Victoria Daily Times (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Astronomical Assistant T.T. Hutchison assisted in observing on 15½ nights and kept telescope in working order.