The work of the observatory made satisfactory progress during September. Observing weather was better than the September average and very much superior to earlier summer months when the work was much hindered by smoke.
J. S. Plaskett was absent all month at the Yerkes meeting and visiting at Pittsburgh, Rochester, Cleveland and at the Lowell and Mt. Wilson Observatories. Presented four papers on the work of the observatory and completed the writing of a popular description of the observatory and its work,
[The Yerkes meeting that Plaskett referred to was the 28th meeting of the American Astronomical Society, held September 5 – 8. It was held on the 25th anniversary of the opening of the Yerkes Observatory, and also of the Society. There is an article describing the meeting in Popular Astronomy, Ed.]
Research Astronomer W. E. Harper obtained 98 spectrograms on 9 nights and measured 60 spectrograms for radial velocity. Obtained period φ Aquilae. Instructed temporary research assistants in features of the work and took on the administrative duties of the Director.
Astronomer R. K. Young absent on outside duty for the Australian eclipse.
Assistant Astronomer H. H. Plaskett obtained 28 ordinary one-prism spectrograms, 3 single-prism wedge spectra and 2 two-prism wedge spectra on 6 nights. Made a series of 16 calibration plates of neutral tint wedge with acetylene flame as a standard. Corrected proof for Publication Volume I, Number 30 and prepared letter to H. N. Russell on ionization in stellar spectra.
Research Assistant S. L. Boothroyd worked Sept 1 – 6 inclusive. Obtained 3 spectrograms on one night and measured 14 spectrograms for radial velocity
Research Assistant J. W. Campbell obtained 1 spectrogram on one night and measured 10 spectrograms for radial velocity. Prepared the manuscript for Volume II, Number 6 on Spectroscopic Binary Orbit of HR 6532 for publication.
Temporary Assistant W. H. Christie worked Sept 11 to 30 inclusive. Obtained 23 spectrograms on 3 nights. Measured and reduced 12 spectrograms. Worked on two spectroscopic binaries and arranged periodicals and publications in the library.
Instrument Maker Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted with night observations on 15 nights. Maintained the telescope and dome in working order and made necessary repairs on motor generator outfit. Cleaned and put in order measuring engines.
Clerk-Stenographer Miss H. R. Keay did the usual work on accounts, correspondence and plates. Read the proof of Volume I, Number 30. Typed and prepared for printing Volume II, Numbers 5 and 6. Typed Colonist articles, abstracts for journals and popular description of Observatory. 5 days leave of absence.