Plaskett Report for September 1929

The weather was exceptionally good for observing constituting a record for September since observing began here in 1918. In September 1923 there were the same number of nights clear, namely 24, but there were only 189.1 hours observing compared with 208.9 hours this month. 149 plates were secured this month, many being long exposure. The ten-year average shows 20 nights, 144.6 hours and 166 plates.

[For $0.60 people could take the Royal Blue Line Motor Tours to Butchart Gardens with a 20 minute stop at the Observatory, Ed.]

Wed, Sep 4, 1929 – 13 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Director J. S. Plaskett performed computation of  the galactic rotation for groups of O and B stars for which both stellar and interstellar velocities were available after arrangement into groups according to the intensity of K. Writing up paper on the motions and distribution of the interstellar cloud. Usual correspondence and administration work.

Assistant Director W. E. Harper worked 6 nights securing 71 spectra. Measured for radial velocity 46. Reviewed “Discovery of the Earth” by Parsons for Seminar.

Astronomer J. A. Pearce returned to the office September 30th. The day was spent in preparing expense return of recent trip and answering correspondence.

Astronomer C. S. Beals took 10 days annual leave, September 4th to September 13th inclusive. Prepared paper for publication in Monthly Notices. Worked one night, obtaining 2 plates. Did som preliminary work on photometric measurement of line intensities.

Astronomer R. O. Redman measured 19 plates of Y Cygni. Calculated two spectroscopic orbits for this star. Worked 6 nights and obtained 33 plates. Tested four new kinds of photographic plate for grain and speed.

Computer S. N. Hill derived latitude and longitude from right ascension and declination for B-type stars. Work on period of HD 193322. Preparing catalogue of velocities of B-type stars for publication.

Assistant Astronomer A. Pannekoek on 11 nights secured 48 plates of spectra. Began measuring some of them

Clerk-Stenographer Miss L. M. Hawthorn (temp.) handled correspondence, official accounts and plate envelopes.

Instrument Maker Foreman T. T. Hutchison assisted in observing on 18 nights. Kept telescope in running order.