Plaskett Report for September 1931

The month was away below average for observing. On 14 nights with 83.0 hours, 82 plates were secured. The twelve-year average for the month shows 20 nights, 130.0 hours and 158 plates secured. The local meteorological statistics bear out this excess of cloudy weather.

Approximately 1536 persons visited the observatory during the month.

[In 1931 The Great Depression was underway and it  had a significant effect on tourism in Victoria, E.d]

Tue, Sep 15, 1931 – 18 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Director J.S. Plaskett computed precessional corrections, applied the declination corrections and obtained the total proper motion and the τ and υ components for some 150 stars, containing interstellar matter. From the υ components the parallactic motions and mean parallaxes of several groups of stars for Volume V, Number 3 were obtained. Usual correspondence, etc.

Assistant Director W.E. Harper worked 3 nights securing 23 plates. Measured for radial velocity 60. Determined period of HR 6290. Gave one seminar talk.

Astronomer J.A. Pearce observed 6 nights, obtaining 30 spectrograms. Completed computations in connection with paper on Interstellar Calcium, Volume V, Number 3. Found value of A to 0.0155 km per sec per parsec by solving for the galactic rotation of 260 stars of known proper motions. Gave 1 seminar talk.

Astronomer C.S. Beals observed 1 night, securing one long exposure plate. COntinued measurement of shapes of Wolf Rayet bands with photo-electric microphotometer.

Astronomer F.S. Hogg observed 4 nights securing 28 plates. Measured 15 plates. Computed two dispersion tables.

Computer S.N. Hill did a least squares solution for rA and l0. Computational work in connection with measurement and reduction of band spectra and proper motion., position angle φ and τ and υ components.

Clerk-Stenographer L.M. Blake handled envelopes for spectrograms, library assistance, correspondence, accounts and general typing.

Astronomical Assistant T.T. Hutchison assisted in observing on 10½ nights. Kept telescope and measuring machines in running order.

Addendum to August report-

Astronomical Assistant A. McKellar measured and reduced 109 plates for radial velocity and worked a day on least square solutions. Also checked conversion of α δ into λ β (one day)