Plaskett Report for September 1932

Exceptionally good weather prevailed during the month, it being the best September for observing since the institution was opened. On 27 nights, with 211.8 hours observing, 143 spectrograms were secured. The 13-year average shows 20 nights. 144.8 hours and 152 plates.

Approximately 1,222 persons visited the observatory during the month

Director J.S. Plaskett attended the International Astronomical Union and Eclipse first half of month. Reduction of proper motions of O and B stars to parallactic and peculiar motions. Usual correspondence and administration duties.

Wed, Sep 21, 1932 – 15 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Assistant Director W.E. Harper returned from IAU and Eclipse on 13th. Observed on 5 nights securing 52 plates. Measured for radial velocity 15. Prepared address on “The Eclipse”. Some administrative work.

Fri, Sep 23, 1932 – 6 · Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) ·

Astronomer F.S. Hogg observed on 12 nights, obtaining 63 spectrograms. Measured 21 for radial velocity. Completed the orbit of the eclipsing variable HD 196628. Worked on the orbit of HD 216014.

Astronomer C.S. Beals – on leave

Computer S.N. Hill – on sick leave

Astronomical Assistant T.T. Hutchison assisted in observing on 20 nights and kept telescope in working order

Clerk-Stenographer Miss C. Martin handled the usual correspondence, reports, accounts, typing, filing and library assistance.