The K-z relation for radio galaxies
The host galaxies of powerful radio sources have a fairly small scatter in luminosity, leading to a tight relationship between their near-infrared K-band magnitudes and their radio luminosities: the `K-z relation’ or `near-infrared Hubble diagram’.
We have investigated the K-z relation for a sample of over 200 radio galaxies from completely identified low-frequency selected samples with virtually complete redshift information:
Near-infrared imaging and the K-z relation for radio galaxies in the 7C Redshift Survey
Willott C.J., Rawlings S., Jarvis M.J., Blundell K.M., 2003, MNRAS, 339, 173
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We provide here on-line versions of the data used in this paper:
K-z data for the 3CRR sample
K-z data for the 6CE sample
K-z data for the 6C* sample
K-z data for the 7C-I/7C-II sample
K-z data for the 7C-III sample
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