About Us

We are a group of astronomers based in Victoria and Penticton, British Columbia.  The two sites host the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory (Victoria, BC) and the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory (Penticton, BC).

The Dominion Astrophysical Observatory (DAO) is located on Observatory Hill just north of Victoria. You can explore 3D models of the site.  See “What’s Shaking on Observatory Hill“.

We perform world-class research in astrophysics including areas such as KBOs, exoplanets, star formation, stellar populations, galaxy formation and evolution, black holes, and cosmology. In astronomy, scientific progress is closely linked to technological innovation. Our instrumentation experts develop state-of-the art devices that are critical to the research of world-class observatories in Canada and abroad.

There are currently four PDF programs available for those interesting in a postdoc with us. The first is the Plaskett Fellowship which has been available for many years. Second is the Covington Fellowship. Third is the recent introduction of an Instrument Science Research Associate. Finally, the NRC (National Research Council) has a new Postdoctoral Program that runs annually.

We also run three seminar series at our two sites.