

7C-I & 7C-II Sample


Here we give K-band photometry for narrow-lined radio galaxies in this sample as presented in Willott et al. (2003). We also give the K-magnitudes after aperture correction to a fixed metric aperture and after emission line contribution correction as described and used in Jarvis et al. (2001) and Willott et al. (2003).

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Name z L_151 K (meas) Aper (apcor) K (emcorr)
5C6.17 1.05* 26.56 17.79 8.0 17.80 17.80
5C6.19 0.799 26.51 17.23 8.0 17.21 17.21
5C6.24 1.073 26.68 17.25 8.0 17.25 17.26
5C6.25 0.706 26.07 17.26 8.0 17.21 17.21
5C6.29 0.720 25.94 16.35 8.0 16.31 16.31
5C6.43 0.775 26.16 17.76 8.0 17.73 17.73
5C6.62 1.45* 26.92 17.41 8.0 17.43 17.44
5C6.63 0.465 25.66 15.71 8.0 15.59 15.59
5C6.75 0.775 25.93 17.06 8.0 17.04 17.04
5C6.83 1.80* 27.20 18.12 5.0 17.96 17.96
5C6.78 0.263 25.62 15.51 8.0 15.22 15.22
5C6.201 0.595 26.12 17.45 8.0 17.37 17.37
5C6.214 0.595 25.97 17.25 8.0 17.17 17.17
5C6.217 1.410 27.13 18.02 8.0 18.04 18.05
5C6.233 0.560 26.07 17.03 8.0 16.94 16.94
5C6.239 0.805 26.19 17.24 8.0 17.22 17.22
5C6.242 1.90* 27.06 18.52 5.0 18.36 18.36
5C6.258 0.752 25.99 17.69 8.0 17.66 17.66
5C6.267 0.357 25.16 14.92 8.0 14.73 14.73
5C6.279 0.473 25.54 16.36 8.0 16.24 16.24
7C0221+3417 0.852 26.79 17.48 8.0 17.47 17.48
5C6.292 1.241 26.72 19.37 8.0 19.38 19.42
5C7.7 0.435 25.57 15.73 8.0 15.59 15.59
5C7.8 0.673 26.36 16.48 8.0 16.44 16.44
5C7.9 0.233 25.36 14.34 8.0 14.01 14.01
5C7.10 2.185 27.54 18.80 8.0 18.82 19.03
5C7.15 2.433 27.35 18.69 8.0 18.70 18.79
5C7.23 1.098 26.63 17.98 8.0 17.98 17.99
5C7.25 0.671 25.77 16.61 8.0 16.56 16.56
5C7.47 1.70* 26.79 19.17 8.0 19.20 19.20
5C7.57 1.622 26.78 18.76 8.0 18.78 18.78
5C7.78 1.151 26.99 17.75 8.0 17.76 17.78
5C7.79 0.608 25.76 17.12 8.0 17.05 17.05
5C7.82 0.918 26.28 17.01 8.0 17.00 17.01
5C7.106 0.264 25.27 15.21 3.0 14.30 14.30
5C7.111 0.628 26.29 16.92 8.0 16.86 16.86
5C7.125 0.801 26.14 17.40 8.0 17.38 17.38
5C7.145 0.343 25.31 15.35 8.0 15.15 15.15
5C7.170 0.268 25.18 14.33 8.0 14.05 14.05
5C7.178 0.246 25.14 17.36 5.0 16.78 16.78
5C7.205 0.710 26.34 17.26 8.0 17.22 17.22
5C7.208 2.00* 27.27 17.60 5.0 17.44 17.47
5C7.223 2.092 27.06 18.27 8.0 18.29 18.33
5C7.242 0.992 26.21 17.24 8.0 17.24 17.24
5C7.245 1.61* 27.22 18.51 8.0 18.53 18.54
5C7.269 2.218 27.21 18.59 8.0 18.61 18.68
7C0825+2446 0.086 24.85 12.72 8.0 11.90 11.90
7C0825+2443 0.243 24.93 14.30 8.0 13.99 13.99
5C7.271 2.224 27.06 18.73 8.0 18.74 18.80

Col. 1 is the name of the source.
Col. 2 is the redshift. * indicates that the redshift is not spectroscopic has been estimated from optical and near-IR photometry in Willott, Rawlings & Blundell (2001).
Col. 3 is log10 radio luminosity at 151 MHz in units of W/Hz/sr. Calculated assuming a cosmology with Omega_M=0.3, Omega_Lambda=0.7, H= 70 km/s/Mpc.
Col. 4 is the measured K-band magnitude (Vega sysytem).
Col. 5 is the size of aperture (in arcsec) used for photometry
Col. 6 is the K-band magnitude after correction to a fixed metric aperture of size 64 kpc.
Col. 7 is the K-band magnitude after both aperture and emission line corrections.